Have you ever wanted to stand out in a group of people? These photoshopped images place animals, people and objects in scenes that they definitely do not belong. It is fairly easy to locate the out of place items, people and animals, and some of them are bordering on the creepy.
Posted in
30 Apr 2011
Italian artist Filippo Minelli knows how far the real world is from the idealization. He shows it in his “Contradictions” series. These paints on wall can quickly take you back to reality if you are lost in the world of modern technologies.
Posted in
30 Apr 2011
Now that you have had your fun smoking some ganja in celebration of April 20th you can take to the kitchen to create these tasty marijuana infused treats. You can have bean dip for an appetizer, pasta as the main course and then rice crispy treats for dessert.
Posted in
30 Apr 2011
So maybe you’ve heard of cars that were painted with metallic, metalflake, or some other exotic paint. However, these very expensive cars are all chrome. Not only are the cars expensive but so too is the finish.
On April 26th 1986 the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had a melt down that released deadly radioactive material into the atmosphere and the ground. These photos show the destruction wreaked on the plant, and how even 25 years later there is still unlivable amounts of radiation in the area.
Posted in
30 Apr 2011
If you have ever wanted to float on cloud nine then these photos will show you exactly what that experience would be like. Taken from mountaintops all over the world, these gorgeous vistas will make you want to climb a mountain and snap your own pictures.
Posted in
30 Apr 2011
A Japanese student Takayuki Hori has created this amazing x-ray origami art that shines light, quite literally, on the most endangered species from Japan’s coasts. The presentation of the eight individual pieces is almost as beautiful as the actual art.