He seems to be like any other guy out there, but there is one but ... 
A funny costume. Except that it did not work. The researcher in costume was stuck in a swamp.
Though, the costume is less elaborated than in Ace Ventura ;)
The Reuters reporter Carolina Camps attended women's prison № 33 in Los Hornos, 60 km from Buenos Aires.
The story in pictures is after the jump. 
These are the Corinthians football players, one of the most popular Brazilian team.
On these pictures, they’re having a blood test. 
Here’s a good example? Can you think of something else?
I love such works! Pretty colors and great angles of shots!
I wouldn’t call it a sport, as for me it’s more like an entertainment, like circus ))
But I think they must have a lot of fun, because donkeys are known to be very stubborn. Well, it’s not easy to play with them ))
Let’s see the pictures. 
It’s been longtime since you checked your balcony?
Looking at the pictures, you can say only one thing - man wakes up, drinks, drinks, and drinks and then falls asleep while drinking.
Judging by the number of bottles – those were months of real drunkenness. OMG!

If I’m not mistaken, this is an anaconda.
Why is it so big? It had its lunch.
But the question is, what did it eat?
Edit: It's a Phyton. Pics were taken in Indonesia.
Thanks Alif Rafik Khan
I just have one question. How many people did they invite?
Posted in
DAILY 8 May 2009
Here are some important news!
It’s been two days that web hosting service in England, where our two servers are located, were effected by 2 powerful DDoS attacks.
All possible measures are taken to normalize the work. One of our servers out of the attack, but it is not able to serve the traffic of our 4 sites.
Don’t worry, the work should be stabilized today. Thanks for your letters.
There are no Curiosities for today because of all these problems.
Some entries may be posted in the evening.
It is not a very good Friday this time :(

May 6, 2009. There were 3 minutes left before the match was over. But the unique Barcelona goal had ruined their plans. But few minutes later Chelsea had a chance to hit the goal, they won a corner kick. Here’s what happened: “Cech [goalkeeper] comes up for the corner and Lampard plays it into the box for him. It’s knocked out to Ballack and he tries a hard shot that looks like it might have hit Eto’o’s shoulder! No call from the ref and Ballack is incensed. In fact, he looks like he’s trying to grab the ref and beat him up”.
And Barcelona is in the Champions League Final!
Now when you know the whole story, look at the pictures and feel the Chelsea’s rage. Ready?
And now click to see what did photoshoppers do to show this moment between Ballack and the ref .
I was laughing hard ))
Posted in
FLASH 8 May 2009
Dedicated to FRIDAY- the best day of the week!

Once upon a time, there were a kitten and a parrot. The parrot was always annoying the kitten. One time, while the kitten was having a nap, the bird wanted to play with him. And that's how it all started.