Retouching turns ordinary photos into magical masterpieces.
Neil Ladkin used old black and white family photos as the basis for his artistic inspiration and photoshopped iconic movie characters into the shots. Can you spot the stars in these pics?
This crab was originally photographed by people on a boating trip and the picture has since become the latest inspiration for the photoshop enthusiasts of the internet.
This dude has made it his mission to fix up annoying photos on the internet and we definitely thank him for it!
Chris Pratt Fans Accept the Challenge of Designing His New Facebook HeaderThe star wanted a new Facebook header so he held a little contest online. Here are some of the awesome entries he received.
Kirby Jenner has been trying to convince the internet that he is Kendall Jenner’s twin but he is really just a guy with way too much free time on his hands, which he uses to troll the reality TV star.
All she wanted was for someone to photoshop a different background into her picture but the internet delivered their own unique interpretations instead.
These girls wanted their picture to be changed so that it looked like they were posing at the beach and not a field. They asked for help online and this is what they got back in return.
This guy had a little nap at work and his colleagues used Photoshop to capture the moment forever.
Sid Frisjes took this photo of himself near the Eiffel Tower on his visit to Paris. He asked the internet for some help photoshopping the Eiffel Tower underneath his fingernail and this is what he got in return.
This dude just wanted some help fixing his picture but this is what he got instead.