These photos are of a room that contains 1,600 cotton candy cones. Just think, if you happen to get a sweet tooth while you are there, you can take a bight right off of the wall. The problem is that I can think of no logical reason to fill a room with cotton candy.
These are military vehicles that were abandoned and left in the Golan Heights following the war between Syria and Israel. All of these vehicles have certainly seen better days. What a waste of money it is to spend it on the vehicles of war.
The folks in this post are either trying to make some sort of weird fashion statement or they are trying to be ridiculously funny. They are outrageous and outlandish but all in good fun.
Sacral agenesis is a rare health condition. People who are born with it mostly have their legs amputated because their spine doesn’t develop properly in the womb. And when many healthy people aren’t satisfied with their lives, Doug Forbis who lost his legs as a child because of sacral agenesis is an example of a real optimist. This 24-year-old guy loves wheelcahir sports, his girlfriend and his life. He dreams about becoming a teacher for kids with special needs and he works as a volunteer with disable teens. Doug’s health condition has never stopped him from achieving his life goals. He deserves to be respected for being such a generous and cheerful man.
I wouldn’t like to live in Iran, because this country forbids and makes illegal some cool things. Most of these restrictions sound crazy to me.
Valentine's Day
It seems that Mealworms are becoming real “meal” worms as everyone from farmers to chefs begin to use these insects as a tasty treat. They are also using grasshoppers in new and inventive foods. Are you enough of a foodie to try these insect treats? The folks that hit this lecture hall had their choice of grasshoppers or meal worms in quiches, pralines, and even spring rolls.
It was discovered that a 750-year-old Emmaus Church in eastern Germany sat upon lignite, or brown coal. The church wasn’t demolished. A more interesting solution was found.
Supposedly, these are leaked photographs of “Putin’s Palace” that is built near Novorossiysk, on the Black Sea. This mansion is almost finished, judging by the pictures. Its construction is worth $1 billion, according to Russian businessman Sergei Kolesnikov who announced this number in his letter to President Dmitry Medvedev. Prime Minister’s press office denies that this building belongs to Putin. Inside this post, you can see outside and inside photos of this beautiful, luxurious and huge mansion built in Russia.
That is what most people say as soon as they see a furry four-legged rat run by. They are one of those animals that most people detest and fear. Kate and Kevin think differently.
Electricians have no margin of error. Their high voltage job is dangerous, as not only they have to work at height, but they also have to deal with HV wires and cables.
This how you can walk on ice and don’t worry about falling down – ice claws!
This is an easy, “homemade” solution.
UPD: This icy road is known as the Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road because it is only open to traffic in the wintertime. The reason for this is that in the summertime it is a river. It is only in the wintertime that the Mackenzie River Delta freezes which makes a road from parts of the Arctic Ocean and the river. This road connects the communities of Tuktoyaktuk and the Northwest Territories in Canada. In the summertime the village of Tuktoyaktuk can be reached only by boat or plane.
Apparently the folks in this post have a lot of pent up stress, not to mention anger. One way to relieve that stress is to destroy something. It really doesn’t matter what it is that gets destroyed as long as it is ruined when they are done.
This is what you get when you stare at each other for too long.
Snow Snow Go Away and come back another day. When you get the snow blues think about these ten adventures that will put your mind at rest. If we could fly anywhere these might be the places that we’d want to see. Take a few moments and go on an exotic trip with us around the world and take your mind off your troubles and the snow.
How would you like to have a name like Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benjy Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Kasper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obiajulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary Usansky?
These are some of the best 2010 caricatures published in The New Yorker. There’s a lot to laugh about after the jump.
As these photos show, different sports require different body types. They are all athletic just different. You can almost tell the sport the person is involved in from their body type. At least you can tell the body builder from the swimmer. To see the picture in big, click on the green cross in the top right of the picture.
These are the things that real people never say about advertising. They are the things that the advertiser hope you would say but don’t. Real people don’t even think them for that matter.
This lighthouse braving the storm in France looks very impressive and gorgeous. See more spectacular photos are after the jump.
Sometimes they want to escape into real life…
Designer Viktor Hertz who is based in Sweden uses everything from his favorite movies to some very clever phrases for his inspiration for simple, smart and clever designs that makes you stop and think. He often uses everyday shapes and symbols in his work and gives them new meaning.
In the Gippsland Lakes in Australia bioluminescence is a very unique, beautiful, and rare phenomenon that results from a chain of events such as flash floods, storms, and bushfires that triggers a population explosion of one particular type of algae. It is very strange to observe and might make the observer think that were being invaded by another extraterrestrial species.