The Petermann glacier is the northernmost glacier in the world. It is situated in North-East Greenland.
It is partially floating (at the end), and mainly located on land. In 2008, a 7 miles long crack was observed on the glacier by satellite. It has been progressing forward and is expected to break-off in the summer 2009 – Wiki.
Let’s look at this beautiful creation of nature. Who knows, maybe we won’t see it anymore after this summer…
Very interesting

It is a collection of art called Weiner Art. A grocery store worker invented this art to promote the store products. And the store sales grew strongly because children just love it.
Take a look, perhaps you would also surprise someone with an elephant made of a weiner )) 
The artwork of Mehmet Ozgur is exceptional. It’s incredible what he can do with the smoke in his works.
Excellent photos, as if there were something magical. 
He was the first, in front of everybody and it remained a few meters before the finish. Having decided that victory was already in his pocket, he lifted his arms triumphantly, but his joy was too quick.
As the saying goes "it ain't over 'til it's over." 
The Famous Oscar Mayer Wienermobile shaped like a hot dog had an accident.
‘Wienermobile’ first appeared on the roads in 1936. It was created by Oscar's nephew, Carl G. Mayer, and variants are still used by Oscar Mayer today.
People stood in line to work on it.
But 17 July, the ‘hot dog’ crashed into a Racine County home. The accident’s reason is very banal. The driver mixed up the gas and the brake pedal.
In your opinion, how many people can squeeze in a Soviet car "Oka". Quick information: it is 3.2 meters long, 1.42m wide and 1.4m high. Think about it ;)
The answer is inside the post. 
Now the lolcats have some competition from Graffiti Kitti ;)
Well, not so much of a competition but still.
Look at these funny kittens.
Ok, it’s clearly not an attack but it’s a pretty cool street art installation.
In fact it’s an Art Exhibition in Prague and it has been created by Czech artist ‘EPOS257’.
Hit the jump to see some pics of the exhibition and to know more about this deadly worm.
A very curious case occurred in England.
In his 39 years old, Paslow Gavin, who has worked in several security agencies and as a self-employed security guard, realized that something was missing in his life.
He fraudulently obtained £3,500 and ... underwent some body modifications that turned him into the “devil.” He put two implants in his forehead to create horns, special contact lenses and cut his tongue in two.
I forgot to say that the ‘living devil’ has also changed his name to Diablo Delenfer.
Pretty gaudy… What only people are able to do to themselves in order not to be like everyone else. Take a look. 
We already wrote about land war in China.
And this time the people who wanted to buy off the building have gone further. They decided to intimidate the tenants of this building. Look after the jump how did they do it. 
One of the richest countries in the world where people practically live on 'oil wells'. And of course, many people there like to own beautiful cars.
Inside the post, a large selection of supercars in the United Arab Emirates. And this is a drop in the ocean...
It is not easy to put a watermelon on your head, sit on a scooter and start driving (of course, without dropping the fruit).
Really impressive. And don’t forget to watch the video ;)
It happened in 1984 when Michael Jackson was filming a Pepsi commercial. His hair caught fire due to a spark caused by pyrotechnics while he was dancing and the worst is that he did not realize it until a little while.
The accident caused second and third-degree burns on his scalp and body, and he had to make several surgeries.
And the last important point in this story is that he started to take medicines after this accident, became addicted and never stopped taking them until his death.
Here’s a collection of volcanic eruptions, lavas, craters. Some of the most spectacular shots of this deadly and beautiful natural phenomenon. 
From behind it is a girl, but if you look in front...
Is that trendy nowadays or what? 
I saw this description on the site ‘Transient Light’ and I couldn’t think of describing these photo works better that this: “When light, subject and composition are persuaded into coherency then the ordinary briefly becomes extraordinary.”
Nikolai Aldunin is called the master of miniatures.
He put horseshoes on a flea as well as saddle and stirrups, he also put 7 camels in the eye of a needle and a replica of a Russian samovar that is smaller than a grain of sugar, he made a tank on a sliced apple seed - it is almost impossible to believe.
Nevertheless, it is real and everything is crafted out of gold. Like many other artists who make miniature sculptures, Nikolai crafts between the beats of the heart that allows him to reduce the shaking of hands. This is very interesting to see. 
Imagine 5 or 6 families living in an apartment and each family has only one room.
The kitchen and toilets are shared. So you understand that you need to get in line everywhere: if you want to use bathroom, toilet or a frying pan…
Let’s look at the living conditions of ordinary Soviet people. 
Children in shopping carts, they are almost all cute except when they start screaming and crying because they want candies or some toy... 
True, it is original and very creative, but I don’t think it should be put in the back pocket, many pickpockets might think it's real money;)
But in my humble opinion it's still tacky. 
Former UFC light heavyweight champ Quiton ‘Rampage’ Jackson hit several cars with his custom Ford F-250 pick-up truck while driving on the 55 Freeway in the O.C. and got arrested at gunpoint.
He ignored the cops, lost control of his vehicle, drove on the sidewalk causing pedestrians to "flee for their lives", then drove the wrong way on a crowded street, hit cars and finally brought his truck to a stop and got arrested. During the run, one tire disintegrated and he began driving on the rim. He was booked on charges of felony evading, reckless driving and hit-and-run.
He has been taken to the hospital but cops don’t officially confirm if it’s a psychiatric hold or if he was high.