It’s a new bar that opened its doors not a longtime ago in Austin, Texas. The bar is called QUA Bottle Lounge and has installed an aquarium dancefloor where you can see some sharks. Well, now they are doing anything to attract people and gain new clients.
Different sports, different sports situations, different emotions, face expressions etc.
I love watching such pictures of sport. They can truly be called “Big Shots”.
One Lithuanian guy built a car using mostly polyurethane foam. Just to remind: this material can be found in every room of our house and practically everywhere we go. It is an incredibly resilient, flexible, and durable manufactured material that can take the place of paint, cotton, rubber, metal, and wood in thousands of applications across all fields. Well, in the beginning it was something remotely looking as car, or more precisely a car carcass, so I can’t even say that it was a tunning. The designer also made a cabin of this self-expending foam and installed airbags. The latter, in these conditions, wasn’t so necessary ;)) But what can be a problem is car’s flammability.
What happened on this photo? Why are people reacting this way?
Do you have any ideas? Think about it and then go inside the post to see.
I’m speechless. One can only dream of such a luxurious comfort.
I bet you can feel yourself a sheik for the time of flight ;)
Although, I think these flights can be affordable for a large population ))
Apparently, homeless men in China are great lovers of FASHION. I’m kidding ;)
But I can say for sure, this can be seen only in China.
Great collection of pictures with signs made in different countries.
Some of them are interesting, others hilarious or unusual, well, to any taste.
I have already seen some pictures, but many others became a real discovery for me.
Some are very amusing species.
This marvelous slot canyon is located in Arizona near Page, on the Navajo reservation.
Indescribable beauty, you should absolutely see this!
Another great work from photoshoppers. Just a little fantasy about things (but not only things) made of wood.
Flooding was caused by incessant rains. Rescuers had to make several rescue operations.
People are trying to stay in their homes, except for some who even in such weather would ride around the city in their cars.
It wouldn’t happen with small cars though, but this guy had no such problem with his monster truck.
The day before yesterday morning in Manhattan, New Yorkers had a light scare as they saw the US president's official airliner accompanied by two fighter jets flying at low altitude near the Statue of Liberty and the skyscrapers. Office workers stormed out of the buildings.
In fact, all this flyover was a photo op of the presidential airplane in front of national landmarks as a advertising campaign. Apparently, the local authorities were not notified and the New York mayor said that it was “insensitive” to do that, because of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Look at the photos and a video taken by witnesses of this event inside the post.
This photo was taken on a mobile phone. Doesn’t it give an impression of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center?
How can a big family go somewhere if they don’t have a car and don’t have much money?
Well, as you will see, there are no problems, only solutions. But I wouldn’t have risked to do that.
The Dodge Viper is a beautiful car, but this one wasn’t very lucky.
Look at its license plates, yes it is 666 - the devil’s number. And now look what has happened to this car.
Do you remember 2 posts where you should guess movies by the pictures HERE and HERE?
This post is similar, except that you should guess album and book covers by looking at the pictures. But this time I made the task easier. Just below the drawing you’ll see the original.
Maybe it’s not too big and spacious but it really makes you want to work there. And plus, it is comfortable enough to get some shut-eye during a coffee pause ;)
Good idea! It’s well done and it’s original.
Here are several examples from the book No Regrets: The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever. The book shows different tattoos, some are funny, some are just aweful etc.
What to say, this should be seen :)
By the way, the book is available on Amazon if you like.
The Tours Aillaud (also known as Tours Nuage) is a group of residential buildings located in Nanterre, in the inner suburbs of Paris, France.
They were built in 1977 at the outskirts of La Défense business district.
I don’t know, maybe for the 70’s it was beautiful, but as for me they are awful from esthetic point of view. Though, I admit this is a very interesting architectural project.
I'm not going to say anything about the taste that this "dish" may have for I have not tried it ;)
But as for its appearance ... On the can the chicken looks very appetizing, but after cooking the look is completely different.
PICTURES YOU HAVE TO SEE!Saskatchewan Home Security!
Nihangs are the monk-warriors of an armed Sikh order. They wear such big turban.
The biggest and difficult turbans consist of 350-450 meters and it takes more than 45 minutes to tie them.
I think they go camping, judging by all this stuff they took.
But the question is how are they going to drive?