Well, nothing to say here, except for one thing that everybody already knows - to each his own and to each their own tastes.
Edit: It's in Indonesia.
Judging by the photos, it is one of the most dangerous professions in the world
Look for yourself.
How would celebrities look if they lived in another era, for example if they lived in the past?
Photoshop pros decided to clear up this question and have fully succeeded. 
What you’re going to see is not a computer graphics but a real place.
It is the Metropolitan Area Outer Discharge Channel, constructed to avoid flooding on typhoon season. Its construction started in 1992.
The size is impressive: The maximum height - 25.4 m, maximum width - 78 meters. By the way, this place is open for tourists. I can imagine them circling there with open mouths ;)
Great tips with humor on how to survive the world and get through the life inact ;)))
Guys from the site "surviving the world" did a great job!

Who would have thought that these small cars are strong.
After the accident, the Hyundai was waiting for the tow truck because its wheel was blocked because of the impact. And the Beetle remained almost intact.
"Who has disturbed my sleep? -cried the owl and pounced itself on the paparazzi )
The Eastern Screech Owl mustn’t be disturbed for nothing, it knows how to defend itself.
Otherwise, it is a very nice bird, cute, especially on the 3rd picture ) 
Another bodybuilding contest took place in Afghanistan.
It is surprising that in a country devastated by years of war such competitions are held. 
Yeap, I didn’t know that they like to eat watermelons.
Really talented people that transform simple paper into genuine masterpieces.
Just take a look at these awesome work art after the jump. 
This artificially created lagoon is located in the central coast of Chile and is part of San Alfonso del Mar resort. It is in the Guinness World Records as being the biggest pool in the world. It is 1,000-meter long, 19-acre outdoor pool that utilizes a technology developed by the Chilean company Crystal Lagoons, which uses water pumped from the Pacific Ocean, that is then filtered and treated for supply to the pool. 
I wonder how many coins can get in there?
It has a very cool design, I’d like to have one ;)
Nothing is impossible. The most important is to have a desire, strong will and time.
Well done!!
Well, sometimes it’s a diet or a make-up.
Anyways, people change with time.
Yes, this country is really rich ;)
Here, even the homeless have their own notebook and a free Wi-Fi connection.
A small selection of homeless people working on laptop. 
To tin products is quite handy; they can be kept for a long time and are easily transported.
But their contents, which can often be seen on can labels may be very strange ;)
You just need to wait until it molts )
Obviously, physically there is only one spider, but its molted “skin” very resembles a real spider.
The whole process takes about 6 hours. It is not very pleasant to see, but it’s interesting. 
“Miss Asia USA Pageant is the premiere Cultural Pageant participated in by Asian women in the United States, who trace their ancestry to the 58 countries considered part of the Asian continent.”
I know that tastes are different, but I don’t know what some girls are doing there…
Funny creative stories about the multifaceted world of ordinary meal :)
Cute pictures of children taken by pros.
Quickly and accurately. “Great” work ))
Only one question - why? 
I think our feathered friends are also very creative and ingenious when it comes to choose the place for their future home ;)