The day before yesterday morning in Manhattan, New Yorkers had a light scare as they saw the US president's official airliner accompanied by two fighter jets flying at low altitude near the Statue of Liberty and the skyscrapers. Office workers stormed out of the buildings.
In fact, all this flyover was a photo op of the presidential airplane in front of national landmarks as a advertising campaign. Apparently, the local authorities were not notified and the New York mayor said that it was “insensitive” to do that, because of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Look at the photos and a video taken by witnesses of this event inside the post.
This photo was taken on a mobile phone. Doesn’t it give an impression of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center?
How can a big family go somewhere if they don’t have a car and don’t have much money?
Well, as you will see, there are no problems, only solutions. But I wouldn’t have risked to do that.
The Dodge Viper is a beautiful car, but this one wasn’t very lucky.
Look at its license plates, yes it is 666 - the devil’s number. And now look what has happened to this car.
Do you remember 2 posts where you should guess movies by the pictures HERE and HERE?
This post is similar, except that you should guess album and book covers by looking at the pictures. But this time I made the task easier. Just below the drawing you’ll see the original.
Maybe it’s not too big and spacious but it really makes you want to work there. And plus, it is comfortable enough to get some shut-eye during a coffee pause ;)
Good idea! It’s well done and it’s original.
Here are several examples from the book No Regrets: The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever. The book shows different tattoos, some are funny, some are just aweful etc.
What to say, this should be seen :)
By the way, the book is available on Amazon if you like.
The Tours Aillaud (also known as Tours Nuage) is a group of residential buildings located in Nanterre, in the inner suburbs of Paris, France.
They were built in 1977 at the outskirts of La Défense business district.
I don’t know, maybe for the 70’s it was beautiful, but as for me they are awful from esthetic point of view. Though, I admit this is a very interesting architectural project.
I'm not going to say anything about the taste that this "dish" may have for I have not tried it ;)
But as for its appearance ... On the can the chicken looks very appetizing, but after cooking the look is completely different.
PICTURES YOU HAVE TO SEE!Saskatchewan Home Security!
Nihangs are the monk-warriors of an armed Sikh order. They wear such big turban.
The biggest and difficult turbans consist of 350-450 meters and it takes more than 45 minutes to tie them.
I think they go camping, judging by all this stuff they took.
But the question is how are they going to drive?
On April 25-26, the Russian Sumo Championship took place in Izhevsk, Russia.
Well, I always found it funny other countries than Japan exercising this sport.
Well, here, it seems ok.
Brad Keselowski (Chevrolet) has won the race for the first time in his career. It was also he who caused the accident, the results of which you will see on these photos. The car that went airborne was driven by Carl Edwards who tried not to let Brad pass on the first position and win the race. Edwards's car was banged against the safety fence. Seven spectators were injured and taken to the hospital, but fortunately, nothing serious.
In the United States, variety stores are very common. They sell inexpensive items, usually with a single price point for all items in the store. A guy in the U.S. decided to buy a shower curtain and went to one of such stores: The dollar store where everything sells for a dollar. As he explains: “A shower curtain is a shower curtain, right?”
Well, he was wrong))
You have maybe heard the story about naturalist Casey Anderson and his best friend and best man bear – Brutus. I’m always fascinated with such stories of true friendship between people and animals. It may be unnatural but somewhere it’s the way it is supposed to be.
Casey saved Brutus the grizzly cub from being euthanized when he was born in an overpopulated wildlife park. Since then, he brought up Brutus and they became real pals.
Brutus has always his place at the family table during holidays and he even was Casey’s best man )).
Inside the post, you will see incredible pictures of this incredible friendship
More than 100 people died in Mexico, more than 1,500 people are diagnosed positive to the virus. There are also cases in the United States and Europe.
The outbreak of swine flu spreads very rapidly to different countries.
It makes feel kinda scary.
Oh yeah, that can happen too. You come back home, at your house and there you see…a new doormat
Of course, this is far from being a sensation; we can see worse than that in the street. But can’t they just hold hands?
This story made a lot of noise some time ago. Let’s see how it was...In June 1995 Monica Lewinsky, 21, arrived at the White House as an unpaid intern.. During November she began a sexual relationship with Bill Clinton, according to audiotapes secretly recorded. By December she moved into a paid position ferrying mail to the Oval Office.
You will never see this anywhere else. Very funny pictures!