Big cities. Beautiful pictures (27 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       11 Mar 2009       28513
Big cities. Beautiful pictures (27 photos)

Childhood: Then and Now

Posted in PICTURES       11 Mar 2009       4099
When I was a little kid, my parents pushed me out the front door every day.

“Come back when the streetlights come on,” they said.

Oftentimes, my 3 year old brother was sent out with me to tagalong. Of course, I considered this a great imposition. After all, at 5 I was way too old to hang out with babies. Still, I had to take care of him because that’s what older sisters are supposed to do.

Back then, we never dialed phones and set up 2 hour play dates. Instead, we’d simply knock on our friend’s doors and say, “Is so&so allowed to come out and play?”

Of course they were.

When we got a good group together, we’d play baseball or kickball in the street.

Yes, in the street.

When the cars rounded the corner, we’d scurry away as fast as we could. We’d use a whiffle ball instead of a real ball in order to prevent hurting anyone’s car. After that, we’d have a squirt gun war. No one checked the temperature on the Internet to make sure it was warm enough to get wet.

Fortunately, no one got sick or died.

Some days, we’d go exploring in the woods. Our minds full of fantastical stories of bad guys chasing us, we decided we must build a tree house. So we gathered up scrap pieces of old wood, rusty nails pulled out of rotting pieces of equipment, and a hammer someone nicked from their Father’s toolbox. Then we’d nail this crap to a tree. Once the rickety house was complete, we’d climb up in it, careful to hold on to the branches in case the floor gave out beneath us. Then, we’d muse to ourselves that we had not built it high enough.

We built ramps in parking lots and jumped them with every toy we had that sported wheels. Skateboards, bikes, roller skates. We didn’t have helmets or kneepads or elbow pads. It didn’t matter. Sometimes we’d fall and rub the skin completely off of our bodies. Nobody cared.

We’d eat berries and apples from strange trees. We’d ride our bikes 6 miles to the park, alone. And not just any park, either. We went to parks with monkey bars higher than our Dad’s heads and dangled our legs over cement. We sat in puddles full of oil and water and swam in water so dirty it might as well be called sewage. In the summertime, we’d go 6, 7, 8 hours at a time without laying eyes on our parents.

And we survived.

Hell, we didn’t just survive. We flourished.

Not a single one of us was overweight; we all had little muscles popping out here and there. We were brave, too. Little badasses. There was no way a perv was going to kidnap us. In fact, we kept little sticks we had sharpened on the sidewalk in our pockets, just in case. Homemade shanks. Sometimes we got lost or hurt, sure. But we knew the difference between a creepy adult you should steer clear of and a responsible adult you could ask for help.

And not one of us died. Not one.

Soviet Prices

Posted in PICTURES       11 Mar 2009       3845
In Soviet Russia dollar exchange rate was established by the state and was 1 dollar for 63 Russian copecks, or 1 American dollar for 0.63 Russian ruble.
What could the Foreigners coming to Russia afford? Here is the short review for the prices at that times in American dollars:

Small loaf - $0.11
Bread - $0.30
Cigarettes (Bulgarian, Eastern European) - $0.83
Cigarettes imported Marlboro - $2.50
Eggs (10 pieces) - $1.66
Ice-cream $0.25
Chocolate bar (0.22 pound) 100g - $1.33
Milk 1 liter (32 fl. oz) - $0.76
Cheese (2.2 pounds - 1kg) $3.66
Recycled glass bottle - $0.16
Salt (2.2 pounds pack) - $0.16
Potatos (2.2 pounds) 1 kilo - $0.41
Cucumbers (2.2 pounds) 1 kilo - $1.16

Babies taking a bath (40 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       11 Mar 2009       37448
Babies taking a bath (40 photos)

Mexican Wrestler (17 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       11 Mar 2009       27285
Mexican Wrestler (17 photos)

11 stupid questions from Yahoo answers

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       9833
1. Is it ok to touch yourself when you hear your parents have sex? He continues:
"I know it may sound weird, but my parents are still pretty young and have very loud sex and sometimes late at night I can hear them and I cant help but touch myself. Is this bad or is it something other people have done too?"
Well, no. But he definitely came to the right place for logical, helpful, compassionate support. Like a user named Kendra who says:
"its not nasty, i remember when I was younger me and my bro would hide in the closet so we could see it".
And we're just getting started.

2. How turn computer monitor into mirror? This one is MADE in the guy's description of his question:
"Hi. Does anyone know if it's possible to use a background that would essentially turn my computer monitor into a mirror? Scanning a mirror doesn't work."
So as dumb as that is... yeah, I thought for two seconds about what would happen if I scanned a mirror.

3. Girlfriend aint had period since?
"ok im kinda worryed here since my g/f got pregnant and all she isnt been havein her period do u think the baby is drinkin the blood??? she 6 month pregnant"
I DO think the baby is drinking the blood! There is literally no other explanation. What you've got on your hands is a vampire baby. Your girlfriend has been having sex with a vampire. And I'm suspecting it's a biracial baby, either half-black (if she got it on with Blacula or Count Chocula) or half-purple (if she got it on with The Count).

The A to Z of chasing plus-sized chicks

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       5127
Big girls need love too. Yes, they may tip the scale, be expensive dinner dates, and the butt of jokes, but underneath it all there's a heart longing to be loved. If you’re a man that lacks game, appreciates some curves, and desperately wants to hold someone, or at least try, then the plus-size lady is for you.

A is for Anger

Plus-sized chicks have a lot of pent-up anger. An inner rage boils inside them. They are mad that the world is thin-obsessed. They hate how women are portrayed in the media. They ramble on about “looking healthy” and being proud to be a curvy woman. Usually they vent on feminist websites or target articles (like this one) that are somewhat critical of their type. Sometimes they just take it out on their man.

B is for Business Class

When you date a big girl, your days of flying coach are over.

C is for Curves

Big girls claim to love their curves, and they also love Curves the gym. The way to a her heart is through her curves. Compliment her curve-a-licious body and she’ll be yours forever. What she won’t tell you is she spends hours at a Curves, working on those curves.

D is for Diet

These women are constantly dieting. Or at least they say they're dieting. In truth they never stick to it, or working out. That's why they're plus-sized. They buy every diet book published and have attempted every single fad diet. This constant yo-yoing can leave a man confused. A man doesn’t know if he should take his lady out for a Bloomin’ Onion at Outback Steak House or some fancy organic raw bar.

E is for Easier

Chances are, the reason why you're chasing larger chicks is because it’s usually easier to snag one, and they are oh-so-grateful.

F is for Fast Food

Fast food outlets are also a great place to meet a super-sized date option. But beware! Fast food is a fat person’s heroin. It can give a person an incredible high, but also bring out the worst in that person. Fast food is available around the clock, so there is no stopping a girl who must have her fix. Consider yourself warned.

A cover of the future (39 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       8420
A cover of the future (39 photos)

Amazing view of penguins (4 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       3967
Amazing view of penguins (4 photos)

Dog sledding (28 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       3956
Dog sledding (28 photos)

Clever and creative bus advertising (24 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       9240
Clever advertisements have a way of being remembered by consumers.
Just like giving away promotional items that people use on a daily
basis. These ads will be remembered and talked about days after
they're seen.

Clever and creative bus advertising (24 photos)

Sunrise and sunset in the Grand Canyon (11 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       7541
Sunrise and sunset in the Grand Canyon (11 photos)

Celebrities who resemble very much (30 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       25540
For the most part, all these celebrities and/or stars of cinema are very much alike, some of them share common features, can be said to be brothers or sisters, and the others, well, their likeness is a bit humorous ;)

Courteney Cox Arquette and singer Nelly Furtado

Celebrities who resemble very much (30 pics)

Cats really don’t care (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       13325
I don’t have a cat, but the story seems to be real ))
Great comic strip.

Cats really don’t care (5 pics)

Prypiat - ghost city (84 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       19998
Prypiat is an abandoned city in the zone of alienation in northern Ukraine, Kiev Oblast, near the border with Belarus. It was home to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant workers. The city was abandoned in 1986 following the Chernobyl disaster. Its population had been around 50,000 prior to the accident.

Prypiat  - ghost city (84 pics)

TOP 45 of Radical Photo Sequences (45 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       26228
These are sequence shots where a sports trick is photographed and then put together into one picture.
Well, the result is quite good and interesting.

TOP 45 of Radical Photo Sequences (45 pics)

Can you imagine one trillion dollars? (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       14247
We all heard when people say one million, one billion or one trillion dollars.
But what does that look like?

We'll start with a $100 dollar bill.

Can you imagine one trillion dollars? (6 pics)

Very particular family album (33 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       8176
One Argentinean family had a very interesting idea. They made one picture per year of themselves.
The first photographs were taken back in 1976.
It is interesting to see how they change physically over the years.

Very particular family album (33 pics)
Very particular family album (33 pics)
Very particular family album (33 pics)

31st Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney (37 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       7686
400,000 people turned out to watch the largest gay pride march in the Asia Pacific wind its way through the city's Oxford Street gay district.
Around 10,000 marchers took part in the parade. And there was a lot to see, a great show ;)

31st Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney (37 pics)

Retro pictures of French cities (60 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       15255
This is the following of the 1st part of Retro pictures of US cities in colors. The same photographer made them apart for the last 5.
The pictures are mostly from Paris.

Paris , 1960

Retro pictures of French cities (60 pics)

Beautiful wild cat family (17 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       16222
These big cats are so cute along with their offspring ))

Beautiful wild cat family (17 pics)

Short comic strip about sushi (4 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       15537
Be careful while eating sushi, because they can take revenge 35
Short comic strip about sushi (4 pics)

Wall painting (24 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       7389
Great idea, I loved it! It seems that all these paintings are done in France. I’d love my house to be painted like one of them )) Anyway, it’s an amazing job.

Wall painting (24 pics)

Japan - Mysterious country (48 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       9068
Everyday I spend a lot of time in the internet and watch thousands of pictures.
But it’s the first time I found big beautiful pictures from Japan.
After the jump you will see a good series of pictures from the life of the Japanese.

Japan - Mysterious country (48 pics)

Samurais (13 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2009       8208
Samurais (13 photos)
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