Great collection of images, some are very hilarious and very true too

Some types of lizards can walk on water

What is he staring at?
Barreleyes, also known as spookfish are small, deep-sea, odd-looking fish. To better serve their vision, barreleyes have transparent to translucent heads; this presumably allows the eyes to collect even more incident light.
Just imagine you’re diving and see some kind of a fish with a transparent head. You’ll never dive again

Too fun ))
The Cologne carnival is a carnival that takes place every year in Cologne, Germany. Traditionally, the "fifth season" (carnival season) is declared open at 11 minutes past 11 on the 11th of November.
Street carnival, a week-long street festival, also called "the crazy days", takes places between the Thursday (Women’s Carnival Day) before Rose Monday and ends on Ash Wednesday. All through these days, "kölsch" folks go out masqueraded.
There’s always a crazy float parade with different themes each year. This times the theme was – Politics, local, international. A lot of satire and humor. 
Recently in one American family, the head of the family lost his job.
But, one week later his wife won a house $2 million worth in a lottery.
Now couple decides what to do the best: leave the house or take its money’s worth.
For all cat lovers :)
Architects sometimes have very vivid imagination. But some of these buildings are very interesting actually ;)
Photographer - Mladen Penev
Who could have thought that this legendary car could be made from this ordinary Toyota MR2.
However, it costs not that much.
Miraculous transformation after the jump.
This unfunny story happened to one English teenager during his camping trip.
An aerosol spray exploded in his hands and all his face got serious burns.
Doctors were worry that he would have big scars for the rest of his life. But it didn’t happen this way. In several weeks, his face has recovered, moreover, all his freckles have gone.
The An-225 Mriya is a strategic airlift transport aircraft and is the largest airplane ever built.
Its landing gear consists of 32 wheels and it’s capable to transport 50 cars. 
We posted a video with Garibaldi yesterday, now we have a story. The same video is below the pictures.
Garibaldi is a military stallion during a routine patrol guarding President Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysee Palace, shook off his Republican Guard rider and ran away. A LTC Rousseau said that when a horse panics, “it whether stays among the other horses that near it or takes off to its stables”. Garibaldi seemed to choose the second option. He ran on Paris roads along the Seine and was caught 5 kilometers later. 
It’s just great )))
Just look at his mouth! It’s huge!
It’s a presenter of morning news in Japan. While the whole country is waking up he’s already at work.
Look how he got older in a very short period of time.
Carnival is a festival traditionally held in Roman Catholic and, to a lesser extent, Eastern Orthodox societies. The Brazilian Carnaval is the longest celebration today, but many cities and regions worldwide celebrate with large, popular events. These include the Carnevale of Venice, Italy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and many others. In the United States, the famous Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Mobile, Alabama, date back to French and Spanish colonial times.
If you don’t like your job, so this entry is for you.
There are worst jobs than this ))