Although men and women always try to force the other sex to behave as they behave themselves, we are still very different. And if only that meant physical differences…
When the Christmas parties come you’d better remember not to do this.
An aquarium enthusiast from Eli Fruchter Israel built an impressively huge reef aquarium in his living room where he can actually scuba dive with tropical fish. It is the largest home reef aquarium in Israel. The tank was designed to imitate the reef’s natural environment and a filtration system creates light waves. Every week adds Fruchter 1,000 liters of fresh seawater for his aquarium to make sure that the reef and fish live in perfect conditions.
Here is the story of Sarah Gailey and her now ex-boyfriend who never listened to her.
Saratoga Springs-based artist Catana draws these amusing comics of her life with her bearded boyfriends and how they handle everyday situations.
The author of these amusing illustrations is Brian Gordon who is also a father. This helps him reflect and depict all these situations that parents go through with such amusing precision.
Brussels marketing agency Mortierbrigade wanted to show why ad placement is important. In order to do so, they put a few ads in a strategic places in a satirical Belgian magazine “Humo.”
IKEA teamed up with a Swedish agency Åkestam Holst to create a clever ad campaign. IKEA’s products were renamed to correspond the most frequently googled relationship problems. The idea is that the new name goes with the problem and this product can help solve it.