Autumn is the best time to create beautiful handmade bouquets. Take a look at this easy-to-follow tutorial and make an amazing present that will make the ones you love happy. It’s as easy as creating a cool gift for your girlfriend.
It’s not that easy to paint on glass, thus all these artworks by Elza Kolesnikova are real masterpieces. She has no professional education, but does a great work at painting her drawings on the back side of the glass “canvas” using watercolors.
Elza has to create her works blindly, trusting her memory, because the upper watercolor layer has to be perfect. One mistake and your painting will be destroyed. You’ll have to start from the very beginning.
When the painting is finished it is covered with enamel and left to dry. And this is when you can finally notice the most amazing feature of watercolor paintings on glass. These patterns change their color depending on the lights, time and even weather. It’s simply fantastic!
How can a 79-year-old man use matchsticks and wooden matchboxes? It turns out that these materials are perfect for building a fleet of ships. So far Phil Warren from the United Kingdom has built 432 American and British ships. His collection of ships is amazing.
Amazing photographs that capture motion we can’t notice in reality. Photographer Harold Edgerton knows perfectly well how to extend our awareness of time.
These amazing sculptures are of various natural sized homeless people. They are sculpted of bronze and are the work of Danish artist Jens Galschiot as part of a campaign to end homelessness. They are truly incredible.
The caricatures of the celebrities in this post are truly amazing. The artists who do them seem to have a sixth sense of the facial features that need to be exaggerated. This artist didn’t fail and allows us to see them as we do in our subconscious mind.
Will Smith
This amazing artwork is all knitted. It is hard to believe that these objects could be made of yarn. However, when that yarn is in the hands of artist Nicole Gastonguay incredible things happen to it. She is truly a master of her craft.
These incredible photos are all taken in silhouette from around the world. The amazing thing about photos taken in silhouette is that they allow your imagination to fill in what you can’t see. Therefore, one person may see and understand one thing while another person sees and understands something completely different.
It is truly amazing what can be made out of trash if you are an artist. This art collection was made out of nothing but trash but in the hands of a gifted artist it turns out to be some incredible artwork. One man’s trash truly is another man’s treasure.
A collection of amazing and cool watermelon carvings that will blow your mind.
These eyes are magnificent, amazing and simply beautiful.
A collection of amazing and incredible street fight art.
Shanxi province is a beautiful place in China. It looks fantastic and truly amazing on these photos.
If you ever wondered how you can create cool photos of waterdrops, this instruction is for you. Now you need a camera, a remote trigger, a wireless remote for your camera, a tray filled with water and, of course, much patience.
We have here an excellent compilation of aerial pictures of different airport runways from every corner of the world.
Most of these photos are truly beautiful!

The photos in this post are of some people in yoga positions that are absolutely amazing. It is difficult to understand how a person could feel good after being in these positions for any amount of time. For an exercise that is supposed to make you feel better, it sure looks like it hurts.

The drawings and photos in the post are truly creative. Some are normal and some are abstract but they all are amazing. They represent the wild imagination of the artist. It is remarkable what the human mind can come up with.

The story of this blind artist is extraordinary and unbelievable. Professional CPA with a photographic memory, Lisa Fittipaldi lost her vision due to a vascular disease in 1993. She lost her job too, but overcame blindness and began painting in 1995. Her paintings are so colorful and bright; it’s hard to believe that they were drawn by a blind person who can’t even see colors or distance. The main challenge to Lisa was when she was told she could never create complex scenes of everyday life with people as main characters. But she managed to do so, and today her paintings are exhibited in museums and galleries around the world. Fittipaldi is a unique artist with an amazing inner vision. You can judge for yourself after the jump.

These are paintings made thanks to the Brushes application on an iPad.
The artist David Kassan says that he used this same app on iPhone and that it is not quite the same: "This seems to be more about sculpting the painting and it gives the artist more of a feel for the subject matter and composition. The larger screen obviously helps. The options for colour correction and control are far improved from the iPhone."
Maybe he’s right, but I can say that iPhone paintings that I saw are also awesome.

I saw many different installations created using people as “paints”. But American artist Daniel Dancer did much more than this. His art combines latex paints and people to make giant images on the Earth. He sometimes invites over 4,000 volunteers to implement his idea into life. This sky art is stunning!