Jimmy Craig, the author behind “They Can Talk” comic series, reveals what animals would say if they could talk, and it looks pretty close to reality.
Meetissai likes finding funniest animal moments and immortalize them in real life. And animals never fail to deliver those moments!
The average human can bite down on something with the strength of between 150-200 PSI (Pounds per square inch.) It takes approximately 4000 PSI to break a femur, and 9 pounds of pressure to break a nose.
Meanwhile, these animals are much more efficient at breaking bones with their jaws.
Yulia Derevschikova from Khabarovsk, Russia, is a passionate felted wool artist who's been making cute woodland animals since 2015 and she has created over a hundred already. One animal takes at least 20 hours to make, so it requires great dedication. She says her source of inspiration comes from her love for animals, and it really shows.