Posted in
8 Sep 2012
Posted in
25 May 2012
Here are examples of some of the most unconventional and impressive books in the world which will absolutely change your ideas of what a book may look like.
Those who bought these books for nothing when they were first published would probably never imagine how high this reading matter will be priced just in a few decades.
Posted in
27 Mar 2012
This sculptor must have considered some books really boring if he thought that this would be a better use for them.
Posted in
ANIMALS 29 Nov 2011
Nowadays only a literate cat can boast to be a truly intelligent pet.
The author calls them HPosters.
They are very detailed, funny, and original.
The true HP fans will absolutely appreciate these. Plus, they’re will be more.
Stay tuned.
Posted in
5 Apr 2011
Apparently this man has a very interesting hobby. He downloads books from the Internet then he prints them out and makes miniature copies of them. These are terrific looking miniature books.
That’s right this might be the smallest collection of books in the world. When I say small, I mean miniature.
These are some incredible book carvings made by artist Long Bin-Chen who is from Taiwan. Apparently, his primary source materials are stacks and stacks of telephone books. I don’t know how he does it but they are stunning.
The Kids Who Could Fly is an ad campaign to promote Maximum Ride books which talk about group of children who can fly. The author of these books is the award-winning American writer James Patterson. This is one catchy and smart ad, it makes me think that sometimes ads are worth looking at.
These are the most weird illustrations created by Japanese artist Gojin Ishihara for children books. Most of these images were published in the “Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters” (1972). Others appeared in different educational and entertaining publications for kids. Most Ishihara’s illustrations look creepy and scary.
You said political incorrectness?
I say pure awesomeness!!
Your kid won’t get it, but I’m sure you will…
Have a good laugh!
The most intelligent cat ever! ;))) Ok, he can’t read but it kinda looks this way, this cat has a very natural look on all these books :)
I am sure that most of us imagine children’s books in colorful and bright covers that teach kids to behave and respect others. However modern and even some of the old books are concentrated on other things like sex and drugs; authors even use curse words to get your attention. We have already posted examples of unconventional books. This is another collection of pictures that is devoted to so-called inappropriate books for children.
From ‘How to live with a huge penis’ to ‘What’s your poo telling you?’ – those books promise some funny reading ))
Children’s books are very important for kids to develop good reading skills, values and to understand different things of life. If most of the time those books are very colourful, with animals and everything… and are dealing with simple matters, there’re some other books for children that are rather unconventional. Now, you can find children’s book about prison, drugs…etc.
So, let’s see some of them…It Hurts When I Poop!
Books "The Theater of Cruelty" and "Punishment of a Parricide in China" will give you goose bumps.
Terrifying stories of executions and tortures of various peoples of the world are waiting for you inside the post.
All of these books’ titles are just hilarious and some of them are priceless.
There are no borders for imagination, indeed this is true :)
Now let’s look at them ;)
Do you remember 2 posts where you should guess movies by the pictures HERE and HERE?
This post is similar, except that you should guess album and book covers by looking at the pictures. But this time I made the task easier. Just below the drawing you’ll see the original.