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BLOGS 15 Nov 2012
Don’t you just hate it when your Facebook friends talk about politics? Well here are some things that are even WORSE than that!
Taking a selfie with your grandma:
Although Facebook now has 1 billion users, there are some people who need to be blocked!
Use your camera phone to ensure you always look cool on Facebook.
In the digital age it is important to think before you TYPE. Here are some classic updates, which escaped the delete button!
Posted in
VIDEO 17 Aug 2012
It’s very simple, take you phone and follow the instructions…
There is always a chance to come across a really funny status or comment on the countless pages of Facebook.
Posted in
BLOGS 15 Jul 2012
Personalize your Facebook homepage with one of these awesome cover pictures.
Parents often leave really awkward comments on your Facebook page and here are the hilarious examples of such situations.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you have an addiction, which is why we are posting these clear indicators of an unhealthy Facebook obsession.
I’m laughing my head off at those idiots.
See these ridiculously cool timelines which this guy has been setting on his Facebook page within a couple of months.
You can find dimwits of all sorts on Facebook pages so here is a selection of unbearably dumb comments which they leave in numbers.
Posted in
18 May 2012
While Facebook is a multi-billion corporation, its employees work in the most informal and comfortable atmosphere. Take a look at these photos from the new 57-acre campus in Menlo Park, California, which Facebook has moved to recently.
With millions of people on the giant social media website there are bound to be some funny and really awkward photos and comments.
No one knows what forces people to act this way, but there are plenty of such users on the pages of the giant social network.
Facebook made sharing person’s ignorance very easy, but it also provides a place for the witty comments to make fun of it.
These hilarious images suggest the new filters that Instagram, which since recently belongs to Facebook after a mind-boggling $1 billion deal, is now bound to provide to facilitate the creation of typical Facebook photos.