Dragrace Explosion + Fire (4 pics + 1 video)

Posted in BLOGS       30 May 2011       4142

Last weekend something went horribly wrong inside the nitrous + race petrol engine of Henri Joosten from holland.


Furniture Made with Fire (7 pics)

Posted in       28 Mar 2011       9356

These are numerous pieces of very interesting designer furniture by many Belgian designer Kaspar Hamacher. They are stools that are made from logs that are burnt with the bark stripped and the logs refinished. The project is called Ausgebrannt, which in German stands for ‘burnt out'.

Quite an interesting idea and execution.


Furniture Made with Fire

Daily Stare: World on Fire (15 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       16 Mar 2011       10113

Everywhere we look we see cities and countries on fire, under water, and all shook up from earthquakes. Here are just a few shots of the earth moving experiences.


Energy Factories

Daily Stare: World on Fire

Daily Stare: On Fire (16 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       2 Mar 2011       8171

We have been on fire since January 1st, and continue to blaze into the new year with a fantastic array of photos that will make you think, smile, and wonder about the world that surrounds us.


Burn it Up

Daily Stare: On Fire

Do You Remember Disaster Girl? (22 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       17 Jun 2010       59806

It was a famous photo from photographer Dave Roth who photoshopped the head of his own daughter on a picture with a house on fire.

Do You Remember Disaster Girl? (22 pics)


The Giant Oil Rig Explosion of the Gulf of Mexico (17 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Apr 2010       12300

If you watch the news from time to time, then you know that an oil drilling platform has just recently exploded 50 miles off the Louisiana coasts.

126 workers were aboard the Deepwater Horizon rig when it blew up. 100 workers made it to the supply boats but 11 are still missing, seventeen were injured, four of them critically.

They still don’t know for sure what is at the source of the incident, the investigation is still going on…

Those pictures are very impressive, look at the size of the flames and how big the smoke cloud is! A lot of work for the fireboats and coast guards and a lot of pain and sadness for the families directly concerned by the accident…

The Giant Oil Rig Explosion of the Gulf of Mexico (17 pics)

Jumping Over the Fire (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 Jan 2010       7951
In January, the Day of St. Anthony is traditionally celebrated in Italy. A spectacular show - jumping over the fire on a horse - is arranged in honor of this holiday.
It's really very beautiful, take a look.

Jumping Over the Fire (9 pics)

Realistic Fire Made from Lego (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       21 Jan 2010       10987
Nice work. Its creator used only Lego bricks and lights to make this realistic fire.
Just look..

Realistic Fire Made from Lego (9 pics)

Photos with Fire and Ice (40 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       19 Jan 2010       8019
Two opposite and powerful elements that are dangerous and helpful at the same time.
Let’s see the pictures.

Photos with Fire and Ice (40 pics)

Birth of Fire (11 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       12 Jan 2010       8839
A small but excellent selection of exciting photos in the style of "stop a moment."
It is breathtakingly beautiful; fire and smoke are just fascinating! A must see post.

Birth of Fire (11 pics)

Fire Put Out at -4,00°F (8 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       8 Jan 2010       11266
Here’s how a burning house looks like when the fire is put out at -4,00°F.

Fire Put Out at -4,00°F (8 pics)

Giant Santa on Fire (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       27 Nov 2009       69673
Before you go inside the post, make sure that there are no children under age of 5 in front of your computer, because these images are graphic and may cause a trauma for the little ones…

Giant Santa on Fire (9 pics)

A world of fire! (45 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       7 Sep 2009       14242
Here is another selection of photomontages but this time, the theme is Fire!!
Fire is dangerous and violent, but fire is beautiful, so, combined with other living elements or not, I find it magical.
Take a look on the excellent works of Photoshop (or other softs) artists.

A world of fire! (45 pics)

Smoke on the water near Sydney (7 pics + 1 video)

Posted in PICTURES       24 Jul 2009       7902
Firefighters arrived on the scene after the five luxury boats were covered with fire.
Fortunately, the flames did not spread on other boats (there were a lot of them). Unfortunately, the boats that caught fire can’t be repaired.
At present, the cause of fire isn’t determined.

Smoke on the water near Sydney (7 pics + 1 video)

Michael Jackson’s hair on fire in Pepsi advert (12 pics + 1 video)

Posted in PICTURES       20 Jul 2009       24148
It happened in 1984 when Michael Jackson was filming a Pepsi commercial. His hair caught fire due to a spark caused by pyrotechnics while he was dancing and the worst is that he did not realize it until a little while.
The accident caused second and third-degree burns on his scalp and body, and he had to make several surgeries.
And the last important point in this story is that he started to take medicines after this accident, became addicted and never stopped taking them until his death.

Michael Jackson’s hair on fire in Pepsi advert (12 pics + 1 video)

How a mall was burning (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       14 Jul 2009       6952
The difference between the first and the last photo - 5 minutes.
I can say that it is quite a great speed of burning of this Chinese mall.

How a mall was burning (9 pics)

Supercar on fire (8 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       17 Jun 2009       15877
Recently, the Internet was full of news of supercars that burnt.
People pay big money for these fantastic expensive cars and they burn.
I propose you to look at a Lamborghini Gallardo burned in Greece.

Supercar on fire (8 pics)

Anatomy of a fire (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       28 May 2009       11114
Excellent series of photos that illustrate the danger of fire.
The first photo was taken when the house started to burn, and the last one shows when there’s almost nothing left.
The building was burning for around 40 minutes.

Anatomy of a fire (13 pics)

Explosive gadgets (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       25 May 2009       9827
Many manufacturers say their products are safe and sure, but sometimes they explode and catch fire, it concerns especially notebooks because of battery overheating.
If you haven’t seen cases like that before, here are some vivid examples. Be careful!

Explosive gadgets (15 pics)

Brand new Ferrari burned down in Moscow (20 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       21 May 2009       10217
The day before yesterday, near the downtown in Moscow, a Ferrari that had just been purchased ignited. Its new owner had time to get out of the car and call firefighters. She said she bought the car in a car shop and could only run for 5 km before the fire started. It is in the engine section that the fire started. For now, the reasons are not clear.
The car cost 650 000 euros.

Brand new Ferrari burned down in Moscow (20 pics)

Dramatic story of the Cliff House (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       28 Apr 2009       12875
The Cliff House is a restaurant perched on the headlands on the cliffs just north of Ocean Beach, on the western side of San Francisco, California. It has great history and a sad story.
The first Cliff House was a modest structure built in 1863; the building survived the explosion of the schooner Parallel, abandoned and loaded with dynamite, ran aground on the rocks below but was later completely destroyed on Christmas night 1894 due to a defective flue.
The Cliff House had also survived the 1906 earthquake with little damage but burned to the ground on the evening of September 7, 1907.
Dramatic story in pictures.

Dramatic story of the Cliff House (13 pics)

Burning cars (44 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       18 Mar 2009       16001
A car can completely burn out in a couple of minutes in a car accident, because of a technical malfunction or in the case of arson.
A burning car is a beautiful and a sad view and at the same time.
After the jump, you will see a selection of cars captured in flames.

Burning cars (44 pics)

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, the most stunning new landmark in China's capital city burned down! (29 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       11 Feb 2009       13322
A luxury hotel in Beijing, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel took fire during the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. It seems that the reason for fire was the unauthorized fireworks used by a Chinese television station.

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, the most stunning new landmark in China's capital city burned down! (29 pics)

What should you do during a fire (9 drawings)

Posted in PICTURES       6 Jan 2009       9403
A funny instruction ))
What should you do during a fire (9 drawings)
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