This is a collection of the most weird, strange and funniest signs that you’ll ever see.
Some of these T shirts are rude, some are risqué, some are inappropriate, but most of them are just plain vulgar.
If you are considering breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend you might want to reconsider doing it on Facebook, as these people decided to do. Better yet, don’t be friends with your significant other on Facebook at all.
These hilarious commixed picture memes illustrate the full power of having access to unlimited Internet images and an image-editing program. Check out these latest funny montage creations and don’t forget to visit our previous Funny Commixed Pictures.
These are some very weird and strange things that could only happen in New York. They are awkward, interesting, and funny all at the same time.
Meet 26 year old James who is from Fort Worth, Texas. He weighed almost 700 pounds just one year ago. He was facing death and had a hernia. However with the help of his trainer Chris Powell, he lost an amazing 313 pounds in just one year.
I lol’d hard at this comic strip. The ending is so unexpected!
Posted in
1 Jul 2011
The world’s longest sea bridge is the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge which is located in China. The bridge links the offshore island of Huangdao and China’s eastern port city of Qingdao. The bridge is 26.4 miles long.
The next time you plan on being a weirdo while taking the subway, think again, because someone just might snap a photo of you. These awkward, bizarre and very funny pictures were taken by stealth photographers looking to become famous, and expose their fellow strange travelers.
We thank our visitor Karina for sending us these pictures. Apparently, Karina like to travel a lot and gathered a nice collection of pictures from her trip around Europe. Here what she wrote:
"Dear Izismile, I've been checking on your website every day and I really love it. I particularly like dailypicdumps which are a source of a positive inspiration that I love to share with my friends and family. Few days ago I thought I could send you some of my pictures so you could have a look."
Posted in
29 Jun 2011
This is a 1980’ board gamed called Let's Be Safe. The game that teaches children about safety when they have to play this ridiculous game that doesn’t make much sense. However, the game does have solution cards that are very funny
Who doesn’t like to see a properly applied FU? For the most part animals are wreaking havoc on humans in these images, and I don’t blame them.
Here is the latest installment in our ongoing series of funny demotivational posters. These examples of motivation gone wrong will have you completely unmotivated, but amused to start off the day. Check out our previous part of Funny Demotivational Posters.
How pissed would you be if you came to work and found your office covered in tin foil or filled with popcorn? Maybe having your car packed with pumpkins or tightly sealed in Saran Wrap would get under your skin. These ultimate prank pictures will have you thinking twice before making an enemy.
These are some of the funniest and most appropriate cocktail names that you will ever see.
These are some very humorous photos involving air conditioners.
This is a hilarious Father’s Day card.
Have you ever wondered what some rednecks do when a problem arises, money is tight and there is plenty of duct tape lying around? This new installment of There I Fixed It features new and exciting ways “ingenious” rednecks go about dealing with daily problems, and "fixing" them. .
For those who have missed it, here is the previous part of There I Fixed It.
For some reason, tourists who are visiting popular tourist attractions seem all take the same photos. Regardless, if they are being serious or just having fun, they are all alike. They all seem to have the same problem - lack of imagination.
Continuing our very successful and of course hilarious demotivational poster series comes our 24th installment. These fresh new funny posters will have you busting a gut and possibly sending some of them around your office. See the previous Funny Demotivational posters.
These Russian wedding photos have been manipulated to create amusing scenarios that I’m sure the bride and groom had no intention of creating. There seems to be a flying theme throughout many of the photos, which is hopefully because the two want to fly away to their honeymoon and not from each other.
Posted in
10 Jun 2011
That’s how one Russian artist imagines aliens and other inexplicable things.