I should definitely try this for my Wi-Fi network!
When Wisconsin’s governor Scott Walker proposed a budget bill that would strip the state’s unions of their collective bargaining rights, he underestimated just how creative the citizens of Wisconsin can be when it comes to expressing their anger. Check out their awesome protest signs in these pictures.
These are some hilarious hairdos. Although they are funny, they are also horrible. It would appear that these days barbers have to be artists in addition to having to know how to cut hair. Sure makes you wonder what these folks were thinking.
Similar post:
Bad Hair Days (42 pics)
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Feb 2011
Yes, dogs fail too sometimes but it makes it even more hilarious and cuter.
These kids are all dressed up with no place to go. They are wearing funny looking costumes. The funny part is that none of them look overjoyed about it. I think the parents get more of a kick out of dressing their kids’ funny than the kids do.
Even if you are cereal guy, it doesn’t mean you can predict future heartthrobs!
These T-shirts are truly outrageously funny. It has gotten so that anymore you can wear anything on a T-shirt, regardless of how inappropriate it is. Risqué they may be but it seems all is forgiven when they are hilariously funny.
No wonder why so many people don't want to get married. Though some married partners deserve each other.
Posted in
BLOGS 1 Feb 2011
What is more fun than watching Harry Potter? How about poking fun at him with these off the wall macros.
These are some advertisements that are placed in the most inappropriate places. Typically, the advertisement is placed next to a news item where the two subjects mix about as well as oil and water. Some editors must have been very embarrassed when these advertisements were published.
Posted in
RANDOM 26 Jan 2011
This is a collection of odd commercials, artworks, and everything in between. Warning, don’t drink while viewing these you might make a mess.
These are some funny caricatures of President Obama and his wife. They are not very flattering but they are full of satire. I suppose there is really nothing wrong with poking a little fun at the leader of the free world.
Posted in
ANIMALS 22 Jan 2011
Are chubby animals cute, funny, or just sad? Everybody loves rubbing a cute little chubby puppy tummy, but does that translates well into a fat crocodile being cute? He just looks like he ate the puppy. How on earth does a squirrel get fat? Is he eating styrofoam peanuts? Do you think the other animals in their species make fun of them?
This is what you get when you stare at each other for too long.
Devotion is like potato chips, once you eat one you want them all. Enjoy even more eye candy that won’t rot your teeth, but will addict you even more.