Oil spill is now observed in China. A pipeline that was transporting oil in the port city of Dalian explosed. The oil workers tried to fix an underwater pump, when one of them began to drown in the oil slick. Good, his co-workers rescued him…
Now Chinese workers understand what birds and other animals felt in the Gulf of Mexico.

The photos in this post are of a restaurant in China that has sundaes that look like feces, bathtubs for tables, and toilets for seating. We’re not exactly sure what the fascination is all about but it appears that they do a brisk business. They are actually known as toilet restaurants.

Posted in
ANIMALS 22 Jul 2010
Most zoos don’t allow visitors to see tigers eye to eye. But if you come to Thailand and visit a local tiger farm, you will be allowed not only to pat a tiger but also to hold this animal. Baby tigers look so sweet and innocent, and even grown tigers look tamed here. Still you can’t forget that they are superb predators.

All these bars are located in Nambia and have ‘cool’ names, plus, it seems that they like American TV series..

A set of pictures with different video game consoles very beautifully painted.

The fantastic street art in these photos was created by artist Robin Rhode from South Africa. It is absolutely fresh and beautiful. It does beg the question of why graffiti is illegal since it is certainly much better that what was there previously. How can something so fantastic be illegal?

The temple in these photos is unbelievable. It is made entirely out of beer bottles. That means the steps, the walls, the columns, all of it. It is absolutely beautiful but somebody has to be drinking a lot of beer.

Posted in
BLOGS 21 Jul 2010
Don't you think ?¿

Posted in
BLOGS 21 Jul 2010

Who slap my butt ?¿
Posted in
BLOGS 21 Jul 2010
Palestinian man decided to design a powerful designs .
.Saw it for yourselves
this man is me>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Posted in
BLOGS 21 Jul 2010
Posted in
BLOGS 21 Jul 2010
PIX News - Busty Girl Dana tries to do back flip; does faceplant instead (7-09-10)
Someone bought a Mac on eBay, and soon his package was shipped. You can now see, how the sender prepared the package for safe shipping.

It’s much more simpler than we thought ;)

Here is a list of the world's richest kings, queens and other royals, according to Forbes’s new ranking.
Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, worth $30 billion

Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true. These artworks are simply awesome!
You can also see our previous post with Amazing iPad Paintings.

Posted in
ANIMALS 21 Jul 2010
Dogs are amazing friends. They can protect you, make you laugh, raise your mood… and ruin your house. Yes, these man’s best friends turn into furry monsters when you are not around them. Left alone, they can destroy many different things. But it is still too difficult to punish them, right?
The previous part of Furry Monsters also shows dogs having fun while you are not at home.

These original light compositions are just beautiful and unique.
The Australian designer Tigtab creates them using techniques invented by her. She was influenced by new graffiti current. Normally, designers of this current try to decorate the urban environment. The artworks of Tigtab are quite different from traditional graffiti, even though she was influenced by it. To create her light panels she uses stencils, foils of different colors as well as camera flashes. Let’s look at these beautiful creation of hers.

All these wedding dresses are very unusual and original. I think a wedding in such a dress will be an unforgettable one.

50 years ago artists used to draw using typewriters and radio teletype. These animal sketches look pretty cool even today, though many of them were created long time ago. This collection is incredible and worth seeing.

This is how Moscow looks from a bird’s eye view. The capital of Russia seems to be overcrowded. There are too many buildings and cars here. But I would still like to fly over this city one day.

These graffiti portraits are simply stunning.

Posted in
BLOGS 20 Jul 2010
Volkswagen Version...