New Jersey Tops the List for the “Most Haunted” State in the USA (18 pics)

Posted in INTERESTING       22 Oct 2014       6881

There are many stories about creepy activity in New Jersey that makes it easy to see why some people would consider it haunted. So the next time you visit, be sure to watch out for the ghosts.


New Jersey Tops the List for the “Most Haunted” State in the USA

The Ghosts of Girlfriend’s Past

Posted in PICTURES       5 Oct 2012       7278
The Ghosts of Girlfriend’s Past

Apparitions from Amsterdam (12 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       13 Jan 2011       10247

This post is some photos of what appear to be ghosts in Amsterdam. Historical consultant, Jo Teeuwisse located some negatives of World War II photos of Amsterdam at a flea market and then merged them with some more recent shots that she took. It was her way to honor those who came before us.

Jo was inspired by pictures of Sergey Larenkov who used this technique to superimpose old pictures of the Siege of Leningrad during the WW II with the recent pictures he took of the same places where the siege took place. 

Apparitions from Amsterdam

Ghosts Captured on Camera (44 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       6 Dec 2010       18092

Do you believe in ghosts? Personally I have never seen one. But these people assure they have. More of it, they have managed to capture ghosts on camera, so you can view their photos and judge yourself whether these pictures are real or manipulated.


Ghosts Captured on Camera

Let’s talk about paranormal. Ghost on the photographs (11 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       11 Mar 2009       131638
It happens sometimes that when people take pictures they see some faces or something that slightly resembles a human silhouette etc. on them later. And of course, the first thing they say – it’s a ghost! Well, I’m not an expert, but as for me, I think that it is just the coincidental effect of darkness and light which combined together gives this optical illusion. Plus pareidolia (e.g. seeing images of animals or faces in clouds) plays a big role in it.

Let’s talk about paranormal. Ghost on the photographs (11 pics)

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