A selection of great photos from the "Best of Russia" competition, which was open to amateur and professional photographers across the country.
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VIDEO 9 Aug 2012
Posted in
VIDEO 1 Aug 2012
Posted in
26 Jul 2012
I can’t guarantee the authenticity of these lifehacks for having tested none but they seem worth trying.
You may consider your childhood totally awesome if you did any of the things listed below.
A collection of great inspiring quotes to supercharge your day.
Posted in
18 Nov 2011
Sports disciplines are one of the most difficult to capture on camera. Everything happens so fast, you have to snap your picture just at the right moment. These great shots are the best examples of excellent and simply amazing sense of time.
It’s great when photographs manage to make such great shots. Have a look and see of you don’t agree.
This is a collection of some great movies of the 1980’s that all kids of the 1990’s should see. They are all fun and worthy of watching.
These are two great ideas for funny office pranks.
This is a letter written by a Cleveland Browns fan that has a very stupid and funny complaint. He’s not worried about the traffic to and from the stadium, of the refs bad calls during the game. The response from the attorney of the stadium that he got was great.
In this cartoon you have to expect the unexpected.
These are truly some elaborate gingerbread houses. It’s incredible how much money and time a person will put into building a gingerbread house. They are all large, luxurious, beautiful and look like mansions. It they were a real house I would live in any of them.
Today we pulled out our magic brush and painted in some fun for everyone!
Oh Pooey!
Dark roasted coffee goodness or FAIL
Some of them you have already seen on the site but as they are really great we decided to post them anyways along with the new ones.
1. It’s a simple one. How many pencils are there? There are clearly seven… what, wait! Six? No.. So how many?
Are you sure this is just an elevator? You'll be surprised.
Here’s a great and simple trick to do with Google images. It only takes a Javascript code to make it.
NOTE: this can be done only in Opera browser.
See the instruction further.
Take a look at this great catch of… You can see what they caught after the jump.
I don’t think it is very convenient to use but nevertheless it looks great.
All the ‘making of’ process is after the jump.
A collection of interesting and great propaganda posters from different countries. Most of them were used during the war times. Others were meant to procure men, money and resources to sustain the military, election campaigns and build a new society.
There are so many great and creative hand watches that can help you express yourself. This collection of watch designs is fantastic, and it continues our previous post with Vinyl Disc Clocks that are also ingenious.
Just a selection of great pictures of nature, awesome photos of cities and deserts, beautiful creatures and unusual light effects found online.