Mother is the wisest person in the world.
Posted in
FUNNY 1 Oct 2011
Who thought that getting arrested would be the time to flash your pearly whites and look happy? However, these unique mug shots prove that some people don’t mind being arrested and detained.
We took a look around today and tried to find happier news, that would uplift us in these times of crises and world woes. Smile a little today!
Tell Us How You Really Feel
Well let’s start our weekly grind once more. This time with wacky and unique events around the world. Happy Monday! Enjoy!
We all have problems, difficulties and obstacles to overcome in our lives on daily basis. But what is a sure way to manage all of your problems, well, at least the major part?
Even if you didn’t guess what this way is right now, believe me, you are all very familiar with it ;)
Click on the image to see.
Posted in
ANIMALS 25 Jan 2011
Yesterday we had a post So Much for Cats’ Happy Ending that showed left behind street cats that found new owners and a second life. Today we’ll tell you stories about dogs that also have a happy ending.
Brand was left alone at home, tied to a radiator. He drank and ate his own excrements
All these people seem to be so happy when smiling for their booking photograph. I wonder why.
Posted in
BLOGS 31 Oct 2010
Sad Keanu has become Happy Keanu!
It seems all Keanu pictures taken by paparazzi lately are good enough for photoshoppers to have some fun and make a new Internet meme.
Here’s the latest one, but let’s first see the original pictures that have started this Happy Keanu meme.
How many dogs can live in a dog favela? Well, according to the photos in this post about 1600 (and some 200 cats). This one in the city of Caxias do Sul in Brazil is very humane and takes dogs in off the street to care for them. It is underfunded but they do the best they can and the dogs seem happy.
This apartment seems to belong to a Russian old man who knows how to party. Friends + vodka + mess = drunken friendlymess? ;)
The happy parents in these photos celebrate a decade of their remarkable daughters. The photos depict the chronology of the girls from birth until the age of ten. Take a look at the photos and see if you don’t agree.
This rather amusing looking couple seems to prove the old adage that opposites attract at least in physical size. While neither is physically attractive they appear quite happy and contented with one another which proves another old adage which is that love is blind.
That old adage seems to be true as does the one that says that there is someone for everyone. So what difference does size or weight make anyway? Much the same as age difference, it would appear not much. If two people are happy together why should physical characteristic or chronological differences make in a relationship. It is all about what one person sees in another, not about what the rest of see in them. All that really matters is what makes them happy. In fact, if they are happy we should be happy for them, right?
Looking at these people, tears come to my eyes.
I think we should smile more often, otherwise everyone will end up in such selection ))