All she wanted was for someone to photoshop a different background into her picture but the internet delivered their own unique interpretations instead.
These girls wanted their picture to be changed so that it looked like they were posing at the beach and not a field. They asked for help online and this is what they got back in return.
This guy had a little nap at work and his colleagues used Photoshop to capture the moment forever.
Sid Frisjes took this photo of himself near the Eiffel Tower on his visit to Paris. He asked the internet for some help photoshopping the Eiffel Tower underneath his fingernail and this is what he got in return.
This dude just wanted some help fixing his picture but this is what he got instead.
Posted in
FUNNY 20 Apr 2015
You may love your eyebrows or hate them but when you see these pics you will be glad you still have them!
This awkward photo of the North Korean leader has been amusing the people of the internet ever since it first came online.
Thanks to photoshop, we now know what it would look like if brides tossed cats instead of Bouquets.
David Lopera is a 20 year old Spanish artist who has used photoshop to turn popular stars into fatter versions of themselves. His idea is that the project will help to promote a healthier view of beauty but others say he is just making fun of fat people. What do you think?
Posted in
VIDEO 29 Jan 2015
This teacher was demonstrating a valuable lesson on internet safety but I don’t think she expected it to become an instant meme.
This guy was an art director for many years and had seen hundreds of stock photos over this time. He decided that these photos could use a little more realism and photoshopped himself into the images. The end pics are really funny.
Posted in
BLOGS 13 Jan 2015
Can Someone Photoshop the Sun Between My Fingers? In my version, the protagonist "Young Man with Sunglasses Headband" has developed a weaponized version of the sun that can be held in two fingers while causing no burns. He has decided that, for the good of humanity, he will use this weapon to silence the great Charles "Chuck" Todd. Behold.
These well-known pics are all remembered for specific imagery that made them unforgettable but when you remove the one thing that made them memorable, it changes the photo completely.
Instagram user geeohsnap, is a Norwegian artist who takes photos of people on the street and then uses Snapchat’s photo editor to add a cartoon drawing into the picture. A pretty fun idea to make everyday life a little less boring.
These customers all requested photoshop help but they were trolled and these are the funny results.
It all began with this picture:
Posted in
12 Sep 2014
Zilla Van Den Borne made her friends and family believe she was traveling in Asia but in fact, she didn't even move from her place in Amsterdam.So why did she do that, well, it was part of a university project involving photo editing with Photoshop.