Posted in
7 May 2011
Have you ever wondered what Natalie Portman, Drew Barrymore or Brad Pitt would look like living in the Renaissance era? These beautiful renderings of modern actors and singers inhabiting the 14th through 17th centuries might make you wish you had lived during those times.
Jennifer Aniston
Don’t these real school photos make you want to revisit your junior high and high school days? It is hard to fathom what these kids were thinking when they posed with a cat, a keyboard, shirtless and in a variety of hideous outfits. Sometimes youth is not wasted on the young.
I’m with the band.
All these photo portraits have one thing in common. They are part of the project “Echoism” that focuses on facial symmetry. The subjects were pictured front to carema. As a part of the study, they were asked not to express emotions. Then each photograph was split into a left and a right section with one side to be horizontally flipped, afterwards pictures were recombined to create two separate and symmetrical identities of the person.
These are self portraits of a person who is using some rather dangerous drugs. They are all there and they are an amazing array of drugs. Some are legal pharmaceuticals and some are illegal street drugs. The self portraits speak for themselves.
All these people seem to be so happy when smiling for their booking photograph. I wonder why.
These are some amazing portraits of celebrities. Many of them are in black and white which is known to show more emotion. The portraits were done by celebrity photographer, Andrew McPherson. They are quite remarkable.
Ordinary things can form amazing portraits when arranged in a particular order by genius artists.
These incredible child portraits were taken by a photographer named Akval. They catch these children doing what they do best, being themselves. The clarity and attention to detail make them absolutely beautiful.
These graffiti portraits are simply stunning.

Somebody likes to take pictures of nature. Others enjoy taking pictures of themselves, their family and friends. But there are people like Danny Santos II who shoot strangers on the city streets. This photographer lives in Singapore. So far he has about 65 portraits of strangers, but his goal is to create about 100 portraits. You can see the best of his works after the jump.

These are the pictures of Apache tribe made by Edward S. Curtis in the beginning of the 20th century.
Edward S. Curtis took photos of many American Indian tribes, which were considered a vanishing race at the time. His photographs remain memorable icons of the American Indians.
I hope you’ll enjoy it as I did.

Apart from being completely horrible, they are extremely funny as well :)
Clint Eastwood

American photographer Jill Greenberg is well-known for emotional portraits of famous people, children and animals. Enjoy!

These wonderful human portraits look like photos. They were painted by Simon Hennesy who is a genius in creating meticulously detailed drawings. I love all his works!

Feel the real nerd attitude ;)

Wow! Disgusting! Amazing! Yes, paintings made by this artist named Pricasso leave a mix of feelings from frank antipathy to sincere amusement. You will never guess HOW Pricasso paints unless you look at the photos inside this post (the mistery is solved at the very bottom of the page). By the way, the price for one portrait is over $75!

As I always say, art can be done with everything…
So, for those of you who like unusual art, check these portraits made with weed joint butts!
Pittsburgh-based artist Cliff Maynard sells them from $2,000 to $10,000 depending on the size…
Rather unusual form of art I’d say!
Those pictures are wide angle ‘unflattering portraits’ of people retouched with Photoshop (with a simulated HDR look).
It’s an interesting way to see a person, with all his/her imperfections.
Really well done and very funny.
I love it!
Stunning portraits of centenarians and supercentenarians (people who are 110 years old and older) who have seen a lot of things in their life.
Many of them managed to live in three centuries, as it is said “the face of age”.
The camera "Polaroid" which allowed to take instant photos and once was very popular, unfortunately, now is completely forgotten.
But there are thousands of photographs to commemorate this camera that has revolutionized the world of instant cameras so long ago. Let’s look at the photos and recall a golden age ;)
The photographer al_mazo has created a very interesting series of children portraits.
I guess he has spent much time for this work, but something is just not right about that... 
They are very beautiful and funny! 
People are doing tattooed portraits for ages. But tattoo fashion is changing. For example today, many people like to tattoo a portrait of Heath Ledger in the role of the Joker (Dark Knight), or the portrait of Jack Nicholson (The Shining) and of course the portrait of Johnny Depp. As for Elvis, it seems that he is outdated. Collecting the pictures for this selection, I came across only two or three photos with him.
Posted in
10 Apr 2009
We continue to collect pencil drawings.
Edit: the artist is krzysztof20d.Thanks for the information.