Posted in
FUNNY 6 Feb 2012
Posted in
12 Sep 2011
NASA tested a new five-segment rocket engine in the Utah desert on September 8, 2011. According to an eyewitness, “The earth trembled. Hot air was started. The flames were so bright it was impossible to look at them”.
Ever wonder what examiner corrects your tests? Well, these ones submitted some hilarious answers to our site. You wouldn’t want to mess with these guys! Relax, take a seat and get ready to laugh yourself off your chair, and remember these when your next test arrives.
Which one of these movies is your favorite? You can find this out by doing a little oldie-of-the-day math test. Good luck!
At first glance, the guys can't handle a foam accident in a shed. Or is it a kind of big clean-out after some party? But if you look closer, you'll see that these people are busy with a no-laughing foam matter...
Need to pass a test? There are at least two easy ways how you can cheat and not be caught. The detailed instruction is right after the jump.
The newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, formally known as German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, blesses thousands of pilgrims from the balcony of the St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, April 19, 2005.
The test is very simple: if after viewing these photos you get motion sick, it is better not to go there ))
Personally I didn’t get motion sick, but it was close ;)
Children will see 2 toothbrushes and a little bit of a toothpaste on this picture.
And what do you see?
Well, the Dog and the Cat have had some troubles lately and the situation was tense.
Then, on food day, the Cat didn’t show up at all, so the Dog became suspicious: “What if the Cat tried to poison the most sacred thing of all…my FOOD??!!” He was hungry but he decided to bring someone to test his food first…
Today in the menu we have a little test. You need to determine if the picture is real or if it was photoshopped.
Here are the conditions: look at the picture, decide if it is real or fake and then, click on the picture to see the correct answer.
Be careful, I chose these pictures on purpose because sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish a fake with a naked eye ;)
Look at the picture and think about what should be the final result.
A very interesting experiment with the use of various firearms.
Look, what will happen to the helmet when it is shot from a distance of 25 feet.
Posted in
FLASH 10 Jun 2009
Wanna know your IQ level?
If it’s yes, then go inside the post and take the interesting IQ test.
Posted in
FLASH 1 Jun 2009
This is a 2nd grade computer test in China, but it is not that easy that it may seem.
Switch the frogs to the opposite side within 2 minutes (REINICIAR = RESET). Good luck ))
Who can solve this test? I couldn’t (
Poor Irish students ))
Posted in
FLASH 5 May 2009
Excellent flash test.
Using state-of-the-art computerised gubbings, the faces of 20 random celebrity pairs were merged together in order to discover what their illegitimate offspring may look like.
Can you determine the parents of the forthcoming parade of illicit mongrels?
Remember, due to modern cloning techniques the parents may not necessarily be of different gender...
Well, I found this sometime ago and now decided to post it because I think it will be useful for you to get to know yourself better.
Well, it seems that in Russia this test should be taken by any soldier to proof that they are fit for the service.
I know that most of you are not soldiers but still, it’s interesting, and it can be applied to all people.
Excellent and simple test. Look at the image and then click at the LAST circle that appeared.
Put your results into the comments ;)
Alright, everything is clear with the first pic. Ther’s no woman on it.
You see a woman? Whoa, you’re messed up