I am surprised at the amount of the most unusual and crazy ideas people come out with when trying to fix different items. All these pictures are so funny, they make me laugh!
Previous posts:
There, I Fixed It. Part 1 (41 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 2 (51 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 3 (69 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 4 (78 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 5 (67 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 6 (63 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 7 (48 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 8 (55 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 9 (47 pics)
There, I Fixed It. Part 10 (45 pics)
An interesting compilation of some of the most unusual Google Street View pictures from various positions along different world’s streets.
Can you imagine a ceiling look this way? It is very unusual.
These are certainly some weird looking plant and animals that are found it nature. To say they are unusual is an understatement. There is only a couple that I recognize at all.
Midwife toad
The male midwife toad carries fertilised eggs on its back to protect them from predators.
Posted in
8 Oct 2010
Swedish furniture brand IKEA has published a cookbook that contains a collection of dessert recipes. Photographer Carl Kleiner took the photographs of the pastries before their preparation, showing a color view of dismantled ingredients that look really simple but beautiful.
For those who are afraid to get a sunburn.
Posted in
ANIMALS 10 Sep 2010
This woman is probably the most extreme animal fan in the world to get such an unusual and unpredictable pet. Even her child couldn’t stop her from getting this creature…
These nail designs would be loved by some fashion fans. These are surely unusual paintings that show what some people love the most, what brands they prefer and who their idols are.
Take a closer look at this bridge. Who do you see there? A hint: these are very unusual bridge passersby.
The photos in this post are of some scary and unusual tattoos. There are some oldies but goodies like a tattoo of Betty Page and some scary tattoos like that of Frankenstein. Regardless of their intention that are some amazing artwork.
These unusual and thrilling coins came from different countries of the world. They are all must-see examples of the world’s most bizarre money.
The photos in this post are of some very unusual roads. Many of them make you wonder how they were ever built and where they are going. They certainly seem to disprove that the shortest route between two points is a straight line.
Here is another post about roads you might want to see:
World’s Scariest Roads (35 pics)
Can you imagine making slippers of sanitary pads? See the instruction after the jump and have a laugh.
You can read books. But you can also cut pictures out of them and then create photos using different figures. This is what photographer Thomas Allen does. His book art is very unusual and unique in its own way.
Just like people, these birds also have vivid imagination. This chicken from China, for example, thinks she is a penguin.
Every country used to have its own traditional wedding ceremony since the old times. But nowadays a lot has changed, and many couples today enjoy non-traditional weddings that can sometimes be shocking and unpredictable.
This bench will surprise you. If you are a Futurama TV show fan, you will definitely love it. If not, you will still be amazed by this unusual park bench.
This comic story reminds me of a trailer to the new cartoon called Tangled. Imagine that you are going on a date, but your girlfriend isn’t exactly happy to see you. Go inside the post to see what happens after the long-haired princess meets her prince. It’s hilarious.
All these wedding dresses are very unusual and original. I think a wedding in such a dress will be an unforgettable one.
Posted in
BLOGS 18 Jul 2010
See strange and unusual photos with the help of photoshop!
There are so many events going on around us. It’s difficult to follow all the news reported around the world daily. Still it is possible to enjoy the most outstanding news photographs inside this post, as they are very unusual, remarkable and impressive.
This costume was created for a commercial project for Toshiba by two people. Klai Brown and Kiel Johnson used foam to make “pixels” that were glued to a cardboard suit structure. According to Kiel, he cut “around 4000 pixels”. The costume reminds a fantastic 8-bit character that looks cool standing next to a real person. The name of this character is Gary.
I really like the bright colors of this IKEA Subway. I think it would be nice to enter such a carriage when you go to work in the morning. I can’t say that it’s amazing or wonderful, but the design is still creative.
Peru’s Guinea Pig Festival gathered together many “cuy” owners. Guinea pigs look cute, funny and bizarre in fashion contest. But the weirdest thing about this festival is what people do afterwards with their cute pets…
Hakone Pavilion is a very unusual remote wooded playhouse built in Japan. It’s best to visit on a sunny day. See why inside this post ;)