Posted in
VIDEO 17 Aug 2013
Posted in
VIDEO 15 Aug 2013
This was filmed in Taipei Zoo, Taiwan. They were separated for 39 days because the mother injured the baby’s one day after birth.
Posted in
BLOGS 27 May 2013
Posted in
9 Apr 2013
The Lujan zoo in Argentina offers visitors a really thrilling experience…
With an African lion father and a liger mother (cross between a lion and a tiger), Kiara is the world’s first ever Liliger cat!
You still think you have the worst job ever? Check out what this zoo keeper is able to do for one of his monkeys in need.
This big cat and a dog must be the best friends – just look at the cute pictures of them playing together in the zoo.
This guy must be crazy about animals. There are a lot of pets in his house, including dogs, fox, lion cub, bobcats and others. I wonder how all these pets deal with each other and whether the guy is not afraid to live around them.
Do you think this is a photograph of an African village? No, it’s not. Find out more after the jump.
Posted in
ANIMALS 16 Apr 2010
This is what you get when you make a picture of zoo animals at the right place in the right time. Have a little patience – and you’ll capture funny and truly amazing moments that will make you smile every time you look at the pictures.
Andy and Pike, 2 polar bears at the San Francisco Zoo had a nice gift for the first day of winter. Indeed, 10 tons of donated ice was turned in snow and shot into their exhibit to create a fun playground on December 21.
Look how happy they are, it’s the best gift they could offer to those two polar bears, except freedom and real snow…
Posted in
ANIMALS 23 Dec 2009
Flory, a pygmy hippo was born in September at the Diergaarde in Blijdorp, Netherlands.
On the pictures, he is only 10 days old. He is too cute. Look at this little thing ;)
A real positive emotion of the day.
A certain James Gurney has made portraits of a gorilla and a chimpanzee in the North Carolina Zoo.
He approached the glass with a submissive posture, then, when a gorilla came right up to the glass and posed for him, he started to make a portrait.
He did the same with a chimpanzee that apparently wanted James Gurney to show him every ten minutes or so how he was coming along on the sketch…
It seems that they like to pose and are curious to see the result!
All this zoo needs is an elephant
What is surprising is that he is not afraid to go into the cage with predators and he treats them as if they were just dogs. Moreover, I would never put my child on the back of a big cat even if I was upbringing the animal myself.
Here’s the process of transforming a donkey into a zebra in a Palestinian zoo.
Because children should know what a zebra is.
This time we are going to observe a panda in a zoo.
Pandas are very funny, clumsy and this one seems to be a very lazy sleepyhead ))
If you like webcasts with animals, take a look at this one too:
Camera in the nest of an eagle live (webcast)
At the San Diego Zoo, California, a little gorilla named Frank had his first birthday.
Look at this lemur. He had a good breakfast before his nose, but he missed it...
Posted in
ANIMALS 27 Aug 2009
Baby animal are born at many zoos but those whom you'll see are the cutest, most fun and exotic.
Posted in
ANIMALS 30 Jul 2009
This monkey and the elephant seem to be good friends caring about each other.
And as it is lunch hour, the monkey has something to give to its buddy ;))
In a Vienna zoo, two Austrian artists Christoph Steinbrenner and Rainer Dempf have made special installations designed to attract people's attention to environmental problems.
A very interesting idea and great installations called "Trouble in Paradise."
Will people finally make the right conclusions? )
Posted in
ANIMALS 11 Jun 2009
Pandas are perhaps the cutest animals on earth, but when they are born, they take time to become this little fury thing we are used to know :)
A local newspaper offered a price of £ 18.272 in a “contest to name the baby panda”.
Inside the post, you will see the first weeks of life of the small panda.
I liked these three shots. Nice view )
Fresh pictures of animals – funny and not so much. Just lovely animals.
This cow is the pride of one Chinese zoo. It’s 6 years old and it has 6 legs.
The cow has become a tourist attraction in the zoo. Poor animal
Zoo Lujan in Argentina is the only zoo that allows visitors to approach the most dangerous predators in the world.
There are lions, tigers, cheetahs, bears and others. Cages are accessible to everyone who paid $ 50 and signed the paper saying that if you are eaten, the Zoo is not responsible.
There are a lot of volunteers to walk in the cages.