This catchy cartoon parody of Nicki Minaj's 'Anaconda' teaches us everything there is to know about the world's largest reptile.
Their reactions are hilarious.
NSFW language
Now that's what I call trolling!
NSFW language
Chris Cataldo didn't realize his friend was filming his tantrum as he destroyed around $1,000 worth of equipment. "I had a meltdown, a total, 100 percent meltdown," he said.
See what eating, taking, playing music, gestating, having sex... looks like through an MRI machine.
NSFW because of the 'sex' part
Joe is a 26-year-old man from Boston who's living on the streets of New York, spending his daylight hours panhandling in Manhattan and making up to $150/day. But the thing to remember the most here is that he has mastered the art of getting women to take him home with them.
This video would make a great PSA!