
Try and spend time with the elderly if possible. A little conversation with a lonely old neighbor every now and then can really brighten their life

Most people talk with the elderly as a kind of charity to their elders. I see it when people talk with my grandma. There is this fake excitement to have a conversation with her. The conversation is always “how was that chicken you just ate pretty tasty huh” “the weather is nice today”. I know a lot of people that are creeped out by old people and distance themselves. There also those that don’t see what they can get out of time with an old person. I hate when people talk to elderly like children. What they never talk about with her is how when my grandma was 20 she was a roller waitress in San Diego. She used to have to drive around the south of the bay to get to Coronado island because they hadn’t built a bridge yet. She use to go out there with her friends to make campfires and lounge on the beach. She absolutely lights up talking about that and it really is interesting to imagine my grandma as a young woman exploring the world of the 1940s and 50s. Every old man I meet can tell me war stories about his life as a young bachelor. They are people so don’t treat the act of talking to them like a chore to make grandma feel better. Every elderly person is a time machine that most people don’t even give a shit about.

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