
Blind Guy Tries His Hand at Tattooing (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       5 Mar 2014       6250
Blind Guy Tries His Hand at Tattooing

The History of Tools Used for Tattooing (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       13 May 2011       21987

Tattoos have been around for as long as anyone can remember. Take a look at the evolution of tattooing tools from very primitive ones to the tattoo gun.


Ancient Egyptian Needles

The History of Tools Used for Tattooing

Scientific tattoos (62 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       28 May 2009       48622
We posted a lot of compilations with a variety of tattoos, but I see for the first time tattoos like this.
And frankly, I wonder why do they do it? Maybe because of great love towards science? Or may be some of them needed crib notes to pass chemistry rofl

Scientific tattoos (62 photos)

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