
Geeky dads (10 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       8615
Geeky dads (10 pics)

Monkeys are really funny and very expressive (26 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       22554
Monkeys are really funny and very expressive (26 pics)

Papuan make-up (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       10090
Papuan make-up (18 pics)

The Art of Brick by Nathan Sawaya (27 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       20810
The Art of Brick by Nathan Sawaya (27 pics)

Jellyfish (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       18008
Jellyfish (15 pics)

Daily picdump (127 pics)

Posted in Forbidden       30 Jun 2009       24251
Daily picdump (127 pics)
Daily picdump (127 pics)
Daily picdump (127 pics)

He lost his weight considerably and several years later, he ballooned back (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       36859
Obese man Michael Hebranko has lost and gained 3,000 lbs in his lifetime but now wants to lose weight for good.
The 56-year-old New Yorker weighs 25 stone, but is slowing shedding the pounds.
Yet his tale is one of astonishment. In his incredible lifetime, Hebranko gained and lost more than 214 stone (2,996 lbs), proving himself one of the best and worst dieters of all time.
In 1987, he reached his heaviest weight at a monstrous 79 stone (1,106 lbs). He was lifted out of his home and hospitalised at the brink of death.
Hebranko then went on a crash diet and lost 50 stone in 19 months without surgery. In 1990, he was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the highest recorded weight loss.
But over the next six years, Hebranko's weight ballooned back to almost 71 stone.
Today, he’s determined to change his lifestyle rather than diet. He says the pounds are coming off at a slow, healthy pace.

He lost his weight considerably and several years later, he ballooned back (5 pics)

Stealing a bottle of sunflower oil for less than 29 seconds (7 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       13040
In a short period of time in one Chinese shop, three bottles of sunflower oil were stolen.
The shop owner did not wait long to install a surveillance camera. And it paid off.
The scam that the couple of thieves used is shown on the pics below. It took them less than 30 seconds to steal. The couple was quickly arrested.

Stealing a bottle of sunflower oil for less than 29 seconds (7 pics)

Foam party or how the Russian youth have a good time (39 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       29584
It seems that bathing in the fountain became a very popular activity, at least in Russia.
This time, young people didn’t just bath, they took shampoos, bath foams, shower gels and had a great time dance3

Foam party or how the Russian youth have a good time (39 photos)

Nails’ life (38 PICS)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       408962

Name of Czech photographer Vlad Artazov is well known to all photography fans. His works are full of humor, irony and their execution is great. Don’t miss it!

Nails’ life

Only in Japan (50 pics)

Posted in Forbidden       30 Jun 2009       86259
Another funny compilation of different strange stuff. Now, we'll go to the Land of the Rising Sun.
And here are the links for those who missed the previous posts from the series “Only in…”:
Only in Russia
Only in Africa
Welcome to Romania!
Welcome to Romania. Part 2
Only in India

Only in Japan (50 pics)

Bursting soap bubbles (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       22752
Great pictures, nothing more to add.

Bursting soap bubbles (9 pics)

These funny animals (39 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       11224
These funny animals (39 pics)
These funny animals (39 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in Forbidden       30 Jun 2009       11143
Hot summer days are flying by and I can only watch them from my window )
And how is your summer going? Someone is going to go on vacation, someone stays to work as I do.
No matter how you’re spending your summer, remember that there’s always an interesting set of news with the most recent pictures and videos as well as great games waiting for you on Izismile.
Visit us often and bring your friends )
And if you're here for the first time, then don’t forget to add the site to your bookmarks.

Teen sails into Miss England final wearing the same dress her grandma was modelling in 1966.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Billy Mays, OxiClean pitchman, found dead. The 50-year-old TV pitchman was found unresponsive by his wife Deborah in his home on 28th June.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Michael Jackson’s autopsy (rumors).
Curiosities and bonus pictures

How to explain all these recent deaths of the famous people? Mystery. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

Nothing to say here ))
Curiosities and bonus pictures

I don’t think that the father of Michael, Joe Jackson, was behaving himself correctly, laughing this much just after Michael’s death.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Sasha Baron Cohen is behaving in his usual way.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

A little edit to the yesterday’s news.
The ugliest dog this year is Pabst.
Curiosities and bonus pictures
Аnd Miss Millie won in the pedigree category.
Curiosities and bonus pictures
Thanks to Gretal Katt

Michael Jackson’s Russian wannabe Pavel Talalaev tried to kill himself after he had heard about the death of his idol. He was saved by doctors in time.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Interesting links from the web:

21 Stunning Examples Of Creatively Done Stop Motion Animations
Tribute to Jackson at awards show
Sex Without Intimacy: No Dating, No Relationships
Top 10 Female Child Stars Who Became Hotties
Inglorious Basterds: Everything You Need to Know
Celebrities Who Own Private Islands!
Ten Movies Where the Bad Guys Win

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Food Art - The Jell-O Mold Competition (22 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Shooting scenes of Beverly Hills 90210 (11 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
The world in negative (31 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Kim Kardashian shopping (19 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Some huge and beautiful aquariums from different corners of the world (44 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Compilation of dangerous holes in roads (18 pics)

You will find inside the today’s Curiosities a GIF animation that shows us that even old games characters can cheat! Enjoy :)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Preparations for exams (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       12073
It's great to be a student!

Preparations for exams (6 pics)

Super positive emotion of the day – little hamsters ;) (33 pics)

Posted in ANIMALS       30 Jun 2009       20991
They can easily fit in the palm of your hand.
These hamsters are absolutely cute, I’m thinking to take one of these. They are also very funny vishenka_33

Super positive emotion of the day – little hamsters ;) (33 pics)

WWIII propaganda posters (8 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       15936
Here are some really well made propaganda posters for WIII. The artist made a nice job.

WWIII propaganda posters (8 pics)

The sculpture of the Queen of Blades (24 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       32820
Many will remember the game StarCraft and this character without a doubt. This sculpture of Sarah Kerrigan was especially made for a conference thematic.
Great job! It gives the impression of being alive.

The sculpture of the Queen of Blades (24 pics)

Winter car wash in Canada (2 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       12588
It's very simple in Canada, it’s enough to leave a car on the street and by morning it will be shiny clean. Well, just take a look n_lol

Winter car wash in Canada (2 pics)

Toys of Soviet children (52 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       11619
Let's see what Soviet children had to play with.
I can say just one thing, they have nothing to do with these toys.
They can’t be even compared.

Toys of Soviet children (52 pics)

Beautiful pictures taken from the International Space Station (34 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       12236
I always find pictures taken from space magic and beautiful. It makes us look small and at the same time it lets us contemplate all the beauty of the Earth.
You will see different pics taken from the ISS over the past few months after the jump.

Beautiful pictures taken from the International Space Station (34 pics)

Horror movie posters (87 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       20486
Some are fun and interesting to see especially for the movies that we watched long ago. Other posters don’t seem to be very convincing, but I can imagine that 10 years ago they were a bombshell.

Horror movie posters (87 pics)

Jewelry from the remnants of the dead (8 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       7508
This is an invention of the design student Anna Schwamborn. She makes jewelry from people’s cremated ashes and hair. So, if you wanna always have something from a person you loved, you can address to her and you’ll get some of her “Mourning Objects”.
As for me, this concept is creepy as hell…

Jewelry from the remnants of the dead (8 pics)

Compilation of dangerous holes in roads (18 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       30 Jun 2009       8547
Compilation of dangerous holes in roads (18 pics)

Kim Kardashian shopping (19 pics)

Posted in Babes       30 Jun 2009       24494
Kim Kardashian shopping (19 pics)
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