
Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Mar 2010       51427       27 GALLERY VIEW

These pictures of psychiatric institutions in Serbia and Kosovo were made by photographer George Georgiou as a part of project “Between the Lines.” This project talks about the aftermath of the NATO conflict with Serbia. 
The author says that he was surprised to see apart from mentally ill people, people with physical disabilities who have nothing to do in these mental hospitals. The pictures also show the lack of medical care and rehabilitation for these people. In short, the photos are very sad and difficult to look at… 

1 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

2 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

3 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

4 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

5 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

6 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

7 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

8 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

9 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

10 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

11 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

12 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

13 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

14 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

15 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

16 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

17 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

18 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

19 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

20 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

21 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

22 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

23 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

24 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

25 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

26 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

27 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

28 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

29 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

30 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

31 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

32 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

33 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

34 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

35 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

36 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

37 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)

38 Psychiatric Hospitals Not Like the Others (38 pics)



briere 15 year s ago
thats not fair
Laura 15 year s ago
I agree, it isn't fair. There's 'schools' for kids with so-called 'mental disabilities' (from Chernobyl or genetic differences) in Russia. Sadly, most of the kids aren't disabled at all and are just put in there because they were abandoned or given to the 'school'. It's all about convenience and money. Why spend the money and time on 'hopeless' people when you can just stick them in a building away from society so no one has to look at them? And the patients in these horrible buildings and places can't do anything about how they're treated. They have no voice.
I recommend watching "Chernobyl Heart" and "White Horse" for more information about places like in the pictures above.
fourfifteen 15 year s ago
reminds me of Jose Saramago's book Blindess.
Xeno 15 year s ago
Sad sad world
koreanwutard 15 year s ago
=/ they need Jesus...
forrest 15 year s ago
I'm from Serbia, Kosovo to be exact, and I have NEVER heard or seen anything about this co-called hospital (because as far as I can see it's a house, not an institution). Also, on the authors web-page I did not find this pictures. It's a bit irresponsible to publish this kind of photos without any reference.

+ this is funny webpage. totally not necessary.
canecorso 10 year s ago

i ti neseri!!!
Julio Verani 15 year s ago
Indeed...this is just a small piece of the sad reality of our world ... Everytime i see something like this i begin to wonder if it is really fair that everybody prefers to look to the other side, since their lifes are too confortable and there is nothing forthem to get out of helping people just like us that need conditions to live! They dont need comfort or luxury, they only need to live with pride, so they can raise their heads, instead of keeping shrunked, just waiting for death...

~For the evil to tryumph, is enough that the good do nothing~

By the way, #Forrest, its funny how people tend to make jokes or divert the focus of the subject when the problem is happening on your gsrden... Please, if you dont have anything to say, just keep quiet, ok?
Forrest 15 year s ago
I was not making jokes, I was reacting! Since I live here, and since I'm in 5 (humanitarian) NGOs, I could actually do something to help them, or maybe just mention them, so they could get help. I was just saying that it is completely irresponsible to publish this kind of stuff without reference, and as a sociologist, I tend not to believe in partial information.

So, next time you "attack" someone online, rethink it...
PRN 15 year s ago
This is not in Kosovo. Serbia maybe, but for sure not in Kosovo. In 2001, I have worked as a humanitarian worker, too in one and only such institution in Kosovo, for about 6 months. The buildings were brand new, and the children where placed in a separate house from the adults.

@Julio, we are trying to keep our garden clean, in order that our "neighbors" don't throw this kind of thrash (such propaganda).
elton 15 year s ago
Dear Forrest, you can find these photos on the author's website. Take a look at the link "Hidden: PsychiatrIc Hospitals" and read the text that follow the pictures. Here, a sample:
"When I first visited the institutions they were hidden from the gaze of the general public and came as a shock to Serbs when they were exposed. "

Sometimes there's a world laying down just in front of our eyes and we can't see that.
;) 15 year s ago
mominco 15 year s ago
n_sad cray
george Georgiou 15 year s ago
"Between 1999 and 2002, I visited three psychiatric institutions while living and working in Kosova and Serbia on a long term project, Between The Lines, on the aftermath of the NATO conflict with Serbia. The work from the institutions, a story on it's own, is also an integral part of this bigger narrative of conflict, division, difference and exclusion.

The situation in all three institutions has now changed. In Kosova international agencies moved in and put a lot of money into them.
There are still issues with care in all three, stimulation is what is needed.

statement is on my website and context. The work is part of a 4 year project in Kosova and Serbia which includes a kosovan village effected by the war and a lager piece about both countries.
Forrest 15 year s ago
Ok, my bad, it's just that I didn't find them in "Between the lines" albums. It's good that it worked out (even a bit) eventually..

Btw, it's Kosovo, not Kosova :)
WeAreChange 15 year s ago
it is sad, but more sad is that we could change all of that misery in to better world for all of us, people just don't know that, it all can end if we all realize why bad things like this happen. It is the system fault. System created by sick people who holds power and only we can change it. We have power to stand up and say NO!!! Read about VENUS PROJECT
Dreth 15 year s ago
What the hell, one picture looks like the guy has his brain perfectly exposed towards the camera.
muito triste tambem né? 15 year s ago
27 35 41 belay
Santana 15 year s ago
The Best Pic's ever post in this site!!! cray
heh 15 year s ago
...we are just animals like other mamals
izi 15 year s ago
eRepublik to gra łącząca aspekty polityczne, militarne oraz gospodarcze. eRepublik ma światowy zasięg, zarejestrowanych jest prawie 400 tysięcy graczy, z czego 60 tysięcy to POLACY (najliczniejsza nacja)!
Polska jest w tej chwili wplątana w liczne walki i potrzebujemy jak największego napływu nowych graczy, którzy pozwolą nam stworzyć potęgę na skalę światową. Nasz najważniejszy cel - aneksja Niemiec został wykonany!
Chcesz walczyć przeciw innym krajom i w kolejnych powstaniach, które wybuchają w podbitych regionach?
Od niedawna jest także język polski, jako jeden z możliwych do wyboru w grze, co na pewno spodoba się wielu nieanglojęzycznym graczom!
Pomóż Polsce! Dołącz już dziś!
(wystarczy wkleić link do przeglądarki i wcisnąć enter)

P.S. Najlepiej używać skrzynek e-mail na serwerach yahoo i gmail
u 15 year s ago
yeahyeahyeah 15 year s ago
"they need jesus"

yeah, what the fuck is he gonna do. they need someone REAL to take action.
KUFU 15 year s ago
Freud 14 year s ago
To let these people live this way is the true crime. We don't let retarded animals live, we euthanize them. These people should be put down so they are not suffering or being a burden on us.
c money 14 year s ago
that just aint right just think how would u like t b treated that way every single day of your life
Michael Lake 12 year s ago
This isn't right..





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