You might know image hosting service Imgur that is popular among many internet users. Well, you can now take a look at the best images from this host that will absolutely cheer you up! Enjoy!
This is why you shouldn't friend your boss on Facebook.

Creative Balloons

From left to right: Han Solo, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Leia, Luke Skywalker and R2D2

Hey buddy...

How would you rate your learning experience in this course?

Mind Blowing

This can really make a man think...

I'm watching you...

It was his birthday

Friday the 12th

The Saddest Dog in the World

Step 1) Find a large padlock

Caught cheating

Do This :D

Donald Duck, You Son of a Bitch!

This is a wasp

If websites were people

Anatomy of an Urban Thug

Sharks with people teeth

A t-shirt that every kid needs to have

The depths of the ocean to scale

Meanwhile, in Japan...

Nothing Says "Classy Neighborhood" Like an Inflatable House

1 GB - 1980 Vs. 2009

The Most Economical Way to Replace Printer Ink

A farmer sprayed milk on policemen during a protest against falling milk prices

This Makes Sense

Nice legs

A kitten and a parrot

The Birth of a Supervillain

Why is the Xbox 360 called the Xbox 360?

21 in Dog Years is Old Enough

Could this be the perfect HL2 Movie Casting?

Be very careful who you moon...

These guys seem legit

What men really think about

Gummi Bear Surgery

Creepy Fence Illusion

Quick, take the shot before -- (sigh) damnit

It's a tough world out there. Even for squirrels

How Genetics Work

How Fanboys See Operating Systems

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