“As Long As We Both Shall Live" is a documentary created in the USA. It researches the marriage situation in America for the last three generations. All marriages that are shown in this project have the same feature. They all last for at least 40 years!
Can you imagine being happy with your second half for this period of time? Personally I would love to marry once and forever though it often sounds like a fairy tale nowadays.
Irwin and Evelyn, Chevy Chase, MD (1997) - married 1950
Chia and Hat, Arlington, VA (2000) - married 1942
Patrick and Setsuko, Honolulu, HI (1998) - married 1950
Pat and Bob, New York, NY (2004) - married 1965
Bernard and Hortense, Bronx, NY (1999) - married 1946
John and Jarline, Athens, TX (2003) - married 1950
Lyle and Arlita, Warm Springs Reservation, OR (2002) - married 1956
Harold and Dorothy, New York, NY (2000) - married 1948
Jack and Dorothy, York, ME (2002) - married 1946
Duane and Nancy, Westwood Hills, KS (2005) - married 1953
Harold and Gail, Carlsbad, CA (2004) - married 1965
Harold and Helen, Christiansburg, VA (2005) - married 1962
Robert Fass, NYC