Taras Lesko is an incredibly talented designer from the U.S.A, who likes to create beautiful things using a computer, his own hands and paper. Taras spends months to create various elements and details for one model.

For example, inspired by the popular anime series Gundam, he spent two months working on a paper copy of Freedom Gundam, the height of which is 1.2 meters. 175 sheets of paper was spent on this paper model and more than 500 details created from them.

In 2009, Taras was working on a computer racing game Forza Motorsport 3, and being impressed by so many beautiful cars, created a paper model of Audi R8 and colored it as in the game.

Big fan of the PS2 game Viewtiful Joe, Taras created a 1.5 meter model of the main character. Overall, he used 79 sheets of paper.

And one more of his creations: