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BLOGS 19 Jul 2010
The purpose of this blog is to avoid any conflicts in the future. “GOODSTUFF’S CYBER WORLD” is lunar squatting. We are declaring that Goodstuff Crater is our lunar home. Goodstuff crater is located in the highlands close to the Lunar North Pole, near three large impact craters called Peary, Hermite and Byrd.
The intent of this declaration is to give future Goodstuff’s Cyber World generations a “lunar advantage”. The concept was born July 2005. After a good deal of surfing the internet, nothing was found that forbids development on the moon and actually encourages a first come, first served opportunity.
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BLOGS 19 Jul 2010
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BLOGS 19 Jul 2010
A car left behind at a disused cement factory. On the island of Gotland, Sweden.
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DAILY 19 Jul 2010
This set of pictures is very funny. Each photograph has a unique and hilarious background. Be attentive to the details as they will make you laugh.
All these pictures are of teeth of people who hate their own teeth.
And some of pictures clearly show why.
What about your teeth?
P.S. Careful, some pictures are not very pleasant to see...
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RANDOM 19 Jul 2010
You all know the movie 300 (2007) and the actor Vincent Regan who impersonated the captain of the Spartan army. He had to transform his body in only 4 weeks to get this result.
It is a sequel of our Stunning Body Transformations. How to Do It Right post.
The phrase “Slide to Unlock” is well-known to all iPhone users. But now it is time to use this phrase more creatively, on t-shirt designs. Looks cute and makes double sense.
International Wildlife Conservation Organization has announced the winners of its photography contest devoted to wildlife protection. You can see all the works created by contest participants and winners. Many of these photographs are simply stunning, but some are very dramatic.
This is an interesting post about how fruits and vegetables look like inside but using a medical method called magnetic resonance imaging. Normally, this method is used in radiology to visualize detailed internal structure and limited function of the body. Only in this case it used on foods.
Be patient, it will take some time to upload…
If you ever happen to visit the International Space Station, don’t miss a chance to take pictures. They will be beautiful and thrilling, just like the ones after the jump.
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ANIMALS 19 Jul 2010
As the photos in this post show, there are a lot of mallard ducks that live on a ledge underneath the offices of a bank in Spokane, Washington. As one might expect, they fall from this ledge frequently. However, this is not a problem because Joel Armstrong is usually there to catch them.
I find tarsiers very funny looking animals. That is why photo manipulations with them can also be hilarious.
The actions of 30-year Norwegian Eskil Ronningsbakken may shock, admire, horrify or command respect. The best stunt men and daredevils of the world probably wouldn’t dare to what he’s doing on the edge of high cliffs.
The guys from comedic performance art group Improv Everywhere, staged a costume performance in the New York subway. You’ll easily recognize all the characters.
Toilet paper is probably the most classic prank everybody knows of. It can suit many different purposes, and you can always find it at your home.
Another awesome collection of pictures of New York City from a bird’s eye view. Feels like you are flying above Manhattan which is simply beautiful. I love NYC’s architecture and landscape design so much!
Similar post of New York City and Las Vegas From Above.
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BLOGS 19 Jul 2010
Gucci and Gizmo:)
As these photos show, these clocks are made on vinyl disks. That’s right, from old 45’s and LPs to a clock. They have been cut into numerous shapes to suit the personality of their owners I suppose. So if you have some old vinyl lying around, why not put them to good use?
Burned houses and ruins make about 40 % of the city of Detroit. There are over 33,000 unused or abandoned buildings here right now. Dave Bing, the Mayor of Detroit, is planning to demolish about 10,000 homes in the next three years. He got the money from the Federal Budget for this purpose. Actually, the economical level of life in this American city is not very high. The unemployment rate here is 50 %, according to Mr. Bing, while this number is approximately 10 % across the USA.
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19 Jul 2010
Sign Post Forest is famous all over the world. It is located in the town of Watson Lake, Alaska. This attraction was started by Carl K. Lindley, who was working on the Alaska Highway in 1942 and put a sign that pointed the way to Carl’s hometown. His idea was followed by others. There were over 65,000 signs in Sign Post Forest back in 2008. People erect up to 4,000 signs every year.
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BLOGS 18 Jul 2010
The Mind of Web Developer
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BLOGS 18 Jul 2010
See strange and unusual photos with the help of photoshop!
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BLOGS 18 Jul 2010