Tony Brown
Talk of the world as he poses with his Apple iPad and iPhone 4 and shows off the applications that he helped to create for them.
Caught you!
She is catching some snaps of her own for the feast in honor of Saint Sebastian, the patron saint of Diriamba. The masks are the leftovers from those first revelers in 16th century by the local indigenous habitants in a parody where they mocked the Spanish conquistadores.
Honoring the Beef
South Korean Buddhist monks and the faithful offer prayers for the slaughter of almost 2 million livestock. They were slaughtered due to a horrible breakout of foot and mouth disease.
New Life
Funeral homes are not being marketed for events such as the wedding shown above plus other events.
Drinkers Cross Here
This city has it right on, if your drunk cross here and you take a less chance of being hit by a car.
National Cockroach Day
In celebration of cockroach day we found this unique cockroach usb drive. When you aren't using it you can scare your wife and friends by lying it on the counter. Just be careful they don't swat and kill all your information.
Where is everybody?