Job security is tough in these economic times, not every job is safe, but this one has a 99.9 percent chance of longevity.
The job I’m talking about is funeral caretakers. In Germany they have opened a funeral school called Theo Remmertz Academy in Munnerstadt. It is the only official funeral school in Europe and they teach you everything you need to know in three years. Students learn the secrets of the dead from digging a proper grave to writing the proper death notice.
There are about 525 students at the school at this time and they all come from diverse backgrounds, no longer are family secrets handed down from generation to generation.
The students attending admit it’s a bit creepy when you first begin to take the classes, but day to day dealing with the dead becomes easier the more you deal with it. The bottom line of having a job that is pretty much recession proof helps these students get the day to day basics of the funeral biz.
Learn Something Fun: 1/3 of Taiwanese funeral processions include a stripper.
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