Stupid Facebook Reactions to the Death of Osama Bin Laden (40 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 May 2011       24124       31 GALLERY VIEW



KungFu Grip 13 year s ago
hes not dead. dont believe the media. especially the american media. Im an american and i approve this msg
dhcgbd 13 year s ago
nd u r a moslem tats y u r sayin this
NOTamerican 13 year s ago
American people are so stupid that i'm wondering how it is possible that they are still alive...
AMERICAforever 12 year s ago
ok woah woah woah!! back up!!! which country do u live in???? nothing compares to american cuz they are the richest country in the whole world and u better believe that. dont u hate on america!!!! i bet u havent even been there!!!! why r u baggin on a country that u havent even been to???? america is a GREAT country!!!
Norwegianguy 13 year s ago
KungFu Grip +1 :)
Archlord 13 year s ago
Seems logical you approve your own message dumbass.
I have seen the picture of his head, and it totally looks like him. I can't say it's true or fake even if considering the importance of such a news, it seems logical that the us government oduble checked his identity before saying it was him. Otherwise, it would be a big shame for them. His death won't change much as he didn't have an important place in the terrorist organisation he was in, but it's whithout a doubt a huge blow mentality for terrorist.
ebudae 13 year s ago
Osama is dead?lol
No way.close friend to Bush with so many commons.Business,money common friends.I think osama is still in the U.S. maybe in vegas or florida enjoying full time vacations.maybe they killed someone look alike.but you can trust american media(hahahahaha this is a joke)
Belin 13 year s ago
Quote in total !!!! NOTamerican,
random avatar 13 year s ago
the world should put an embargo on the whole u.s. too much stupidity there.oh and he's photo is faked.just photoshoped.
oh 13 year s ago
Well, all the dumb fockers are republicans.
The Real Osama 13 year s ago
Osama has been dead like for 13 years by now. He had a terrible Kidney's disease. he was just a stupid scapegoat.
he didnt die 13 year s ago
I dont belive he died,
if he died there will be some nuclear bombs in the usa soon, luckily i live in europe!
worldcitizen 13 year s ago
usa-land of ignorant people.

one terrorist died,one terrorist country left.
mmm 13 year s ago
Some americans are really stupid....
joanne mack 13 year s ago
its about time the sun of a bitch is dead, gutless piece of s****t
GetBent 13 year s ago
Being an American I have had enough of Izismile going out of its way to continually portray all Americans as ignorant mouth breathers. Like every country we have our ignorant people but they are not a majority in any sense of the word.

zugzub 13 year s ago

It's just euro trash talk. It's not like European country’s are saints. They brought us Hitler and Mussolini. They have their share of racist dumb fucks, a lot of them right here on izismile.
yourdicklord 13 year s ago
Still losing 13 year s ago
USA 1 - Osama >3000. Al qaeda win. U´re the inly place where celebrate a asesinate.
black_tiger 13 year s ago
so even if he die!
they were so happy about capturing sadam but surprise! the resistance was keep going.

but really; do you think osama is the 1 who plan the whole thing ?

immediately after the strike; mistakes show the involment of US high levels were slipping here & there.
so even if he die!
they were so happy about capturing sadam but surprise! the resistance was keep going.

but really; do you think osama is the 1 who plan the whole thing ?

immediately after the strike; mistakes show the involment of US high levels were slipping here & there.

simply, US was helping to assure the succession of the attack so US can use it to invade some countries that has strategic values like locations or sources (does oil ring any bill?).
simply, US was helping to assure the succession of the attack so US can use it to invade some countries that has strategic values like locations or sources (does oil ring any bill?).

by the way; bush rating at time of strike was not any better than obama now!

why I repeat my words?

I will fix my last post :

so even if he die!
they were so happy about capturing sadam but surprise! the resistance was keep going.

but really; do you think osama is the 1 who plan the whole thing ?

immediately after the strike; mistakes show the involment of US high levels were slipping here & there.

simply, US was helping to assure the success of the attack so US can use it to invade some countries that has strategic values like locations or sources (does oil ring any bill?).

by the way; bush rating at time of strike was not any better than obama now!
Pistol 3 13 year s ago
Osama down, 150 million republicans to go!
random avatar 13 year s ago
hitler was shit,mussolini was shit.but america is a filthy shit factory.they have been for the last 100 years.they keep getting in the bussiness of other countrys and alter the fates of douzens of countrys just so they can have cheap oil for fat americans and economic supremacy in the is the biggest bully ther is.75% of the problems in the world were caused by us or instigated by them.even this arab terrorism.if the us had left thearab countrys alone and just made bussines in a decent way to get their oil,there wouldn't be any arab terrorism today.those guys are just fighting because some bullys invaded their countrys and opressed them to get cheap oil.thankfully america is in big shit now with the world economic crysis(which they started).china is getting bigger and bigger.and thank god china doesn't invade countrys and dosn't export ignorance and stupidity and jersey shore lol.but this deson't mean i suport the fuckers that blow bombs all over the world and kill innocent civillians.i'm just happy i live in europe.fat free,ignorant free.

oh and sorry to the onorable amaericans.i know you are not all like this,but unfortunately you support your goverment when they are doing this and don't do shit about it
natcupcakes 13 year s ago
Fat free and ignorant free? Really? All of you in Europe?

We are absolutely not all like that. We are incredibly diverse. We have our rich, our poor, our ignorant and our intelligent, our criminal and our honest, just like everyone else in the world.

And you say sorry to the honorable Americans? Every four years we hold elections and each of us are put in the position of choosing the person who we feel can represent us best, and take us forward to a better place. Sometimes it's a tough choice, but we do the best we can. We are fortunate to live in a place that allows us that opportunity. And once we have someone in office, the majority of us try our best to support the decisions they make, even if we don't agree with all of them.

Unfortunately, sometimes the dimmest bulbs shine brightest on television and the internet (most reality shows, and posts like the one above prove that), and it paints us all with a bad brush; but at the end of the day, we are still a country that people risk their lives and leave their families just to have an opportunity to make it here.

I'm happy with living here, and while I know there are ways we could change and be better, I feel fortunate to not live in fear or poverty like some.

We're not all bad, and no, we're not all ignorant.
Just another voice 13 year s ago
Maybe Osama is dead, maybe he was for a long time, maybe he never even existed. It doesn't matter.

All that matters is that he was used to breed hate and fear in a whole nation, even the whole western world. Why? Because people who fear and hate are easy to control. You're not proud to be an American/French/German? You're a pacifist? You are a traitor!

You can pass laws to people who fear, seemingly to protect them from an enemy who wants to see people suffer. In reality you pass the laws to control people, to stifle their minds, to restrict their freedom of speech, to make them buy things.

Do you think you really have a choice because you get to elect a political party every four
years? Because you are given the illusion of a choice between red and blue? It's all the same! The only choice you've got is between fifty fucking kinds of cereal and twohundred worthless tv channels that all play the same shit the whole day long!

Wake the fuck up!

We are one people. We have only one planet. One planet that can feed us all. We have the right to enjoy our lives. To create, not to destroy. Not to be worried which shampoo makes our hair look shinier.

Look up George Carlin, Bill Hicks and Joe Rogan. All great comedians with a grasp of their

It's time to move on!
two bit 13 year s ago
@ Just another voice. No one ever said that we are not one people, with one planet. I would love it if we could all live like that.

No one is talking about shampoo, and two hundred tv channels. Even if the red and blue are the same, it often comes down to lesser of the two evils, and as far as politics go, it's about the only choice we have. We aren't organized enough, or could get along well enough with one another to do anything about changing the way the gov't operates. We're too petty, and instead of trying to see where someone else is coming from, we divide. We tell the other side to "wake the fuck up" like that's going to accomplish anything, instead of trying to work together.

Both sides tend to fear monger. You don't think by demonizing the gov't as a dictatorial boogeyman, you're keeping a certain section of the population in fear? You're right, it's all the same.

Just another voice 13 year s ago
@ two bit: That's a pretty pessimistic point of view. You say that you "would love it if we
could all live like that", thus denying the possibility of a socially evolved and peaceful
humanity. Yes, we can live like that. You say that we "couldn't get along well enough with one
another to do anything about changing the way the gov't operates". Yes we could.

Violence is not inherent in Human behaviour, neither is competitiveness. These are only
aberations caused by a distorted value paradigm in this sick society. Look at the work of Dr.
James Gilligan, look at Dr. Gabor Mate and many others. Don't just disagree and don't just
agree either, research. Look at nonviolent societies like the Semai in Malaysia with a
population of roughly 44.500 or the Amish (I don't advocate the Amish, it's just an example -
more info on peacefulsocieties[dot]org).

You think that the "lesser of two evils" is a choice? No, it's not. It's forced upon you, so
you feel better with yourself, like you really have a choice. Then you are much more likely to
accept "difficult" political decisions, because you voted for it, you chose it.

Guess what? Disobedience is a choice. Educating yourself and others is a choice. Not partaking in
a distorted value system is a choice. Protest is a choice. Look at what nonviolent movements
have achieved. Martin Luther King? Mahatma Gandhi? And more recently Leymah Gbowee (an African
peace activist responsible for organizing a peace movement that brought an end to the Second
Liberian Civil War in 2003 - wikipedia). And there are movements today that approach a new
direction, e.g. a Resource Based Economy. And no, it's not only the Zeitgeist movement, there
are many others.

Sure, it's easier to say that we "aren't organized enough" and that we can't change anything.
But, as Krishnamurti said, you have to become the change you want to see in society.

And you're right. It's not about fearmongering, dividing people and demonizing the government.
It's about realizing what truly matters. Looking behind that shit-curtain that hinders our
sight in everyday life. That's what it's about.
Mr. Ree 13 year s ago
Regarding all the Euro-trash talking shit here - remember your words the next time a dozen innocent people get killed at one of your 'football' (Soccer) games...
The Hamburglar 13 year s ago
LOL @ the jealous europeans
vndiel 13 year s ago
The ignorance that runs rampant in this country (USA) hurts my head sometimes.
morons 13 year s ago
I hate how ignorant a lot of our generation can be (of all nations and colours). People should take an interest in real humanitarian news rather than which celebrity just got a haircut.
Buy oem 13 year s ago
RIS3Aj Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:D





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