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VIDEO 13 Jul 2011
Imagine mailing a child just in time for holidays!
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13 Jul 2011
Artist Craig Sonnenfeld uses a simple dollar bill to create this intricate origami art. The wheel, high heels, koi fish, camera and horned beetle are especially impressive.
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CELEBS 13 Jul 2011
Goddess Bree Olson Spills Charlie Sheen’s Bedroom Secrets
This is an imprint of an owl is left on a window pane after the bird crashed into the window. The silhouette was left by the bird's 'powder down' - a substance protecting growing feathers.
Many photographers will do funny things to get the perfect shot. Some photographers are just plain funny looking. This is a collection of both.
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13 Jul 2011
These are some great and atypical designs for beds. As unusual as they are they still look very comfortable.
These are some very beautiful Indian brides. All of their body jewelry, adornments, and tattoos make them especially radiant. Their wedding dresses and makeup also help to make them very beautiful brides
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13 Jul 2011
This roller coaster in Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park in Japan drops its riders 141ft. in a single vertical drop. The Takabisha is their newest, record breaking rollercoaster. The ride only lasts 112 seconds, includes 121-degree freefall, and reaches speeds of nearly 62,5 mph (about 100 km/h). It’s the steepest ride anywhere in the world.
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13 Jul 2011
Star Wars’ toast is rather easy to make. All you need is a star wars’ toaster and some bread.
It seems that these jailers’ were filled with gun powder and made into a type of that could be shot if there was any trouble when the jailer tried to open a cell door. Various styles of these weapons date back to the 17th century.