These comics describe true relationship in many families.
Drinking with Parents VS Friends
Asian Parents
Big NO Disorder
Calling: MOM
Every damn time i have to drive with mom
Every time my mom invites people over
Everytime my parents tell jokes
When my parents used to take me to their friends place
Fapper vs Parents – A never ending war
Going down on knees
Hot mom RAGE
How to keep your parents from catching you
Introducing my mom to Dubstep
Its shit like this, parents
Meeting the parents rage
Mom finding me with alcohol
Mom rage
Mom superpower
Mom’s hypocrisy
My parents and web browsers
My parents just love scarring me for life
Parents and abortion
Parents and the age of Technology
Parents are so sensitive sometimes
Parents on Facebook
Parents staying over rage
Parents these days
Parents who have texting
Parents Y U NO
Remember when you first took a stand against your parents
Seriously Mom?
So i am moving out of my parents house
The difference between your mom and dad finding your porn
This is how my mom parents
Troll mom – dialup rage
Visiting my parents house
What happens when my parrents say we need to talk
What I learned when trolling my parents
Why most parents hate me
You can go mom