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Bonus for washing hands (Greek train operator): Imagine how dirty or uncultured workers at this company are. They have to be paid EXTRA in order to clean themselves. That doesn’t mean that employees at other companies are dirty, they just do not get paid every time for cleaning their hands If you meet a person working for the train company think twice before you give them a handshake.
Bonus for turning on your car (Greek Telecommunications company): In the old days(40 years ago) cars needed some time to start operating(or so they say). The management of the company paid the workers an extra payment monthly since they had to turn on the engines. Of course technology now has done amazing leaps, but the public workers still operate in the Bronze era.
Bonus for using the restaurant (Greek Oil company): What is more normal for employees using the company run restaurant. Actually this is a very clever payment, workers are getting reimbursed for using a restaurant so they can(YES) eat and dine(since they work themselves to death). Of course this is a hidden subsidy for the restaurant. Otherwise workers would not eat and starve to death, or (Horrors) would have to bring food from home. FYI the use of the restaurant is for FREE
Bonus for being on time (Greek Bus company): Yes! you read this right. Most people who work in the public sector find it difficult, or cumbersome, to arrive at their job on time. This reminds of the dark ages of the labour movement, where bosses were demanding people to arrive on time and work their agreed shift. The Greek politicians of course have brought justice by paying people a bonus when they arrive at their job on the agreed timeframe.
Bonus for looking at ships’ propeller (Greek coastal guard): There is no information about this payment and why it exists. Surely it encompasses people who are also working on the mountains. No wonder…
Bonus for Food (Greek Public): There are no direct references to this but surely it a just one. Since Greek employees are so lazy, they might even forget to eat and nurture themselves. A payment has to be made to ensure their well-being. Remember the first rule of economics: People respond to incentives. Maybe that why most Greeks in the public sector are overweight.
No wonder they are in crisis %-)
No wonder they are protesting %-)
There's so much falsehood and bullshit in that image it's unbelievable.
all of these problem nations have one thing in common- borrowing way beyond their means when it was far too easy to borrow. rioting and protesting isn't going to solve crap at this point.
if you want to be a responsible person, forget about the angry troll comics and the blame game and work to build a self-sustainable life. wean yourself from the luxuries and privileges that society has taught you to expect, tighten your belts, become as absolutely resourceful as you can and build skillsets along those lines. those are the things needed for life going forward, regardless of where you live in the world...
and yes, obviously... much easier said than done. :/
P.S. - nothing personal you know ...
Common people are common people, no matter where we live in the world and no matter what skin tone, religion or language we speak.
Greece's problems were not caused by their school teachers, their nurses, their shopkeepers etc, they were caused by politicians and bankers.
Enjoy Freedom and Democracy, fuckwits.
The US is the finest country in the history of the world. Obama and his ilk are trying to destroy it, but have faith in the American people; we shall triumph over communism! We will NOT let the Obama machine dismantle freedom. We will NOT end up like Greece!
and establish a fascist state.
there, corrected
Greece has little to no heavy industry and sells almost nothing to the rest of the world. The people desire exorbitant benefits yet they support nothing with hard work or production. Of course the system will fail.
Nothing is free in life - it doesnt matter if your leaders promise some ridiculous socialist system where you get everything for nothing, the entire concept cannot possible work that way.
All the best for the greek people who genuinely wish for honest work and a quality way of life. They are being muted by the younger generation of fools who will do nothing more than "rebel" and fight the system without providing any benefit of their own. Pray such mentality doesnt continue to grow in the US.
I am not an ultra-patriot, but a reasonable patriot - which in contrast to the obama regime just makes me me appear ultra. I am not an nationalist: I think the rest of the world should think and do want they bloody-well want to. How did you infer that I implied ANYTHING about abandoning civil rights???
But actually where he is wrong its that Half of greek really don't pay their taxes. And thanks to google earth, 20 000 undeclared personal swimming pool in Athene have been found. From its side the Swiss banks recognized that 350 billions euros from rich greeks were hidden in their banks, more than half of their debt.
they you