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Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19 (18 gifs)
When you get invited to something you don’t want to go to, but can’t think of an excuse:
When you’ve been adding up a bunch of numbers on a calculator and you accidentally hit the wrong button:
When someone calls you and you don’t want to answer:
When people think your platonic guy/girl friend is actually your boyfriend/girlfriend:
When you’re telling a story, but then realize no one cares what you’re talking about:
When your new shoes make a squeaky noise:
When you leave work on Friday:
When the waiter brings out your order first so you have to be polite and wait for the rest of your party’s food to arrive:
When you see someone you hate in public:
When you’re trying to smile naturally for a photo:
When you try to explain something to that one friend who never understands anything:
When your Internet connection finally comes back after being disconnected:
When you wake up the next day after a night of partying:
When you tasted Nutella for the first time:
Every time you open the fridge:
When you put on your jeans right out of the dryer:
When someone wants a bite:
When you try to wink suggestively:
When you bite into a slice of pizza and it’s too hot: