Because you would understand what's happening with this mercury
Because you would understand why the devil spawns from mercury (II) thiocyanate
Because you would understand what's happening with this electrical treeing
Because you would understand why your cup of coffee just punched you in the face
Because you would understand what's happening with this magnetic liquid
Because you would know that mixing liquid nitrogen with ping pong balls is a great way to pass the time
In fact, just dropping anything in liquid nitrogen, especially an orange LED light, is a great way to pass the time
Because you would know how to never let a candle go out
Because you would understand what's happening in this jar
Because you would know to stay far away from magnetic silly putty
Because you would understand what's happening with this magnet and copper pipe
Because you would know what's going on here
Because you would know what's going on with this elephant's toothpaste
Because you would know to keep your cesium far away from water
And also start to find water fascinating
And know never to eat with a gallium spoon
Because you would know what is going on here
Because you would find out how to never use ice again
Because you would know the secret to unlimited salt
Because you would know to keep feathers FAR AWAY from nitrogen triiodine
And keep tennis rackets very close to flaming tennis balls
ALWAYS keep a tennis racket handy to hit things that are on fire. ALWAYS.