When this moronic phone thief forgot to turn off the phone’s camera upload function, the original owner started receiving pictures and videos the thief’s life in Dubai. He decided to put this content to good use and started a Tumblr blog called “Life of a Stranger who Stole my Phone” as revenge.
This is Hafid. He lives in Dubai, and he steals phones.
How do we know?
Because he’s been taking photos of himself using a stolen phone - and unwittingly uploading them to the internet.
And now the phone’s original owner has sought a wonderful form of revenge, by creating a trolly Tumblr all about it.
Allow the blog’s author to explain.
In other words…
Cue lots of entirely justified acts of mockery, like this.
And this.
The author mocks Hafid’s apartment.
His dance moves.
Celebrate good crimes, come on!
And his dress sense.