
American Kids are Gun Proud from a Young Age (39 pics)

Posted in       20 May 2014       10189       11 GALLERY VIEW

In the United States, firearms are advertised for children from the ages of 5 to 12 years. “My First Rifle” is a campaign selling this idea and Sofie Kesteleyn travelled to Ohio, Texas to take photos of kids and their personal rifles.


killerkraft 10 year s ago
Americans should be soooo proud of themselves and their children. Do not come crying to TV's after the next school massacre, please...
Glasofruix 10 year s ago
Guns that look like toys is a recipe for a disaster.
Peanut 10 year s ago
Killerkraft has the right idea. Giving children guns is just wrong. What the hell is the matter with some Americans?
jan_kowalski 10 year s ago
#10 aaaand now fire
channax 10 year s ago

100008385635810 10 year s ago
I bet if these pictures were bows and arrows you would not pass such judgment.

You’re not very smart. Study History and don't accept what the media says like the sheeple you are. There is so much more to it...

First, it is against the law in the US to store a firearm in such a manner that a child can access it. Law abiding firearms owners do not 'give' guns to kids.

My daughters and I are in the shooting sports. We are very safe and when we get back home they get locked up in such a way that they cannot get to them. Your ideas and visions of American violence are provided by your media… You fail to realize that .00085% of gun related crimes are perpetrated by licensed gun owners. Unreal that you would make such a blanket statement.

It simply amazes me that there is such blind acceptance and judgment prior to investigation still out there. It’s no wonder the world is as it is.

My suggestion to you is grab a bag of cheese puffs, stare at the TV until your brain withers away. A very small amount of investigation would open up a world of new information to you.. the sheeple... the ignorant, the lazy... so easily swayed... go to your hole and stare at the nearest blue screen… the world does not need you…
JISR 10 year s ago
OK, just .00085% probability of a crime for a licenced gun owner, well it takes 1 single dead to say the weapons in house a are bad idea. you miss to talk about domestic accidents when a kid shoot other people or himself by accident.
Ohh you may say that you feel secure with a gun? remember what people say of big guns and tiny weenies.
Americans feel all powerful behind big guns, but the fact is you are so paranoic that you need a gun...and then what? you take place near the border to hunt illegals like minute man? thats sick.
Shown a children that the guns are right and is Ok shoot even animals is sign of a bad society, and about the cheese balls and TV. i thing youre wrong because you people are the biggest fat ass lazy consumers, if this post were about bows and arrows maybe it was more legit...i mean real men use real weapons not sissy rifles, anyone can shoot a rifle and not anyone can shoot a bow

Hooo the real world you say? did you live in the wild wild west? man, i can bed you are like the morons how play Call Of Duty and thing thats the real world....so sad for you but i have an idea; why dont you roll in the army and go to a third world country to kill all people you want, i mean, thats your fantasy for sure, let me say whats the real world for me; well, i have family, we live calm and happy my 3 years old boy is great and likes the dinosaurs, my wife is pretty and loves me much as i love her, i had my own bussines with a big effort, our own house a car and a truck for the work, we are not rich but always have all we need, i work 11 hour per day but is Ok, so maybe my life is not so exciting like yours, but i dont need because in my real world, the greatest thing in the life is my family, now ho is more realistic?
nefus 10 year s ago
I've been shooting since I could hold a gun. Always under supervision & trained until I was of legal age to shoot on my own. Every youth in my family has been or is being taught how to use a gun (handguns, rifles and shotguns). In fact I can say that I literally know hundreds of people who grew up the same way.

My high school permitted weapons in vehicles until the mid 1990s. Every one of these morons who shoot up schools and businesses that you hear about in the news do it in gun free zones, every one of them has been shown to be mentally aberrant. Did you miss that part of the news story? Like the guy said, go back to your brain rot box. You aren't living in the real world.
frosch 10 year s ago
I strongly believe that Every American should have the right to Kill another American!! so teach them while there young!
gigantes 10 year s ago
good to see the next wave of rednecks being cranked out.

oh yes... everything is just fine and dandy in the US of A. every registered owner is careful and respectful of their guns, and few if any gun crimes are committed by the general populace. yes, it's always 'the fringe' at fault, but that can be solved by... buying more guns, i presume. that's just common sense.

nothing to do with the fact that buying a gun most places takes the smallest of commitments, and walking around with combat-grade weapons in many places is somehow legal. yep... 'murka!
speedydaytona 10 year s ago
Its cute listening to the sheep spew the dem media talking points. Is it time for the 2-minute hate period already?



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