Your local store put out this sign:
Your swimming pool looks like this:
Or just refused to go out altogether:
Everyone is wearing a sweater:
The snow gods are demanding a blood sacrifice:
You’d actually consider wearing this:
Your beverage is doing this:
Your car windows are turning into sheets of ice:
The local church leaves this message:
Your car’s built-in heater just isn’t enough:
Your cat changed his mind:
And decided to hog the heater instead:
The local police is sending out tweets like this:
The neighborhood dogs are bundling up:
And even the penguins are pulling out the wool socks:
This is how you’re keeping your beers cold:
The fire hydrants are doing this:
Hell has literally frozen over:
Your crocs stick to the wall and your hair is frozen:
You know that ice scraper you own just isn’t going to cut it:
And your cat is actually okay with being put in people clothes:
The meerkats are hogging the heater:
And so did your hubcap:
You can literally see winter loading:
Your dog came in from his walk looking like this:
Even in death, you can’t escape it:
Even the snowmen are over it:
Your banana shattered:
The local news has resorted to cursing:
This happened to your hood ornament:
Even the snow wants to come inside to warm up:
Your dog is hogging all the blankets:
And your toilet looks like this:
Your truck looks like this:
The hose is dispensing ice cubes:
You see…uh…this:
Your dog pulled ‘a Jesus:’
Your trampoline does this:
You looked out the window and saw this: