
A Fun Mini Camper Creation (28 pics)

Posted in       2 Apr 2015       12047       3 GALLERY VIEW

With a little time and elbow grease, you can also make your own version of this micro camper to take on the road.


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Step 1: The Frame

"This trailer is built on a 4 foot by 8 foot Harbor Freight trailer frame.

I assembled the frame right out of the box. I did not install the lights or fenders at this time because I did not want them in my way while I was building the box on the frame."

"To make the trailer extremely sturdy I laid 3/4" inch plywood on the frame, then laid a 2x3 stud around the outside edge of the floor. I then drilled through the 2x3, plywood, and frame and bolted them all together. This really stiffens up the frame, and it also gives me a good anchor point for the walls to the frame."

Step 2: Camper Materials

"The micro camper is built with 2x3 studded walls with 1/2 inch exterior plywood on the outside and 1/8 inch underlayment on the inside walls."

"The roof system is 2x4 rafters with 1/2 inch OSB on the outside and 1/8 inch underlayment on the ceiling."

Step 3: Framing The Walls

"I framed up the walls in the shop. The walls are framed 16 inches on center and laid out to have a window on each side and a door in the back."

Step 4: Installing The Walls

"I installed the walls on the trailer. The walls are nailed to the 2x3 that is bolted to the frame. When I install the outside sheeting it will be fastened to the rafter system, the walls, and the 2x3 that is bolted to the frame, making it a very sturdy box. Notice the top plate that goes around the walls tying them all together."

Step 5: Installing The Roof

"To install the roof I first laid a piece of 1/8 inch underlayment on top of the walls."

"Then I framed the rafter system with 2x4 rafters 16 inches on center. I installed blocks in between the rafters to help tie everything together. The rafters are nailed into the top plate of the walls and into the blocks.

Finally I installed a 1/2 inch OSB piece to the top of the rafters. The camper is now framed up."

Step 6: Sheeting The Walls

"Next up I installed the exterior sheeting. This is pretty straight forward. The walls are attached with 1.5 inch deck screws.

To cut out the windows and door I used a roto-zip. That makes the job go quickly and easily."

Step 7: Installing Aluminum Trim and Roof

"After installing sheeting on the walls, the next step is to install aluminum trim and roofing. I used aluminum trim stock. It comes in a variety of sizes, and I used the 24 inch wide material. I installed aluminum on the corners to cover the exposed edges of the plywood sheeting. I also installed gutters over the windows and doors. Finally I installed aluminum sheeting on the roof with a double bend connection to make sure that it would be totally waterproof."

Step 8: Painting The Trailer

Step 9: Electrical

"Next I did all the final electrical work. I installed a 110 volt 15 amp inlet on the outside the powers an outlet and light on the inside."

Finishing Up..

ArxFerrum 9 year s ago
This series is basically what one would have to pay for at the local building supply outlet for a step-by-step instruction booklet.
Thumbs up for this!
oddbal 9 year s ago
You should replace the wheel bearings in that trailer. Every Harbor Freight trailer is known to have cheap Chinese bearings in it. Other then that they are great trailers.
rikki_doxx 7 year s ago
The framework is too heavy as well as the siding. OTT it's pretty good.



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