Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: The fear of long words.
Agryrophobia: The fear of streets or crossing streets.
Ambulophobia: The fear of walking
Amychophobia: The fear of scratches being scratched.
Athazagoraphobia: The fear of being forgotten or ignored.
Barophobia: A fear of gravity.
Chaetophobia: Fear of hair.
Cleptophobia: The fear of stealing.
Cryophobia: The fear of extreme cold or frost.
Decidophobia: The fear of making decisions.
Gymnophobia: The fear of ever becoming naked
Philemaphobia: The fear of kissing.
Didaskaleinophobia: The fear of going to school.
Dishabiliophobia: The fear of undressing in front of other people.
Eisoptrophobia: The fear of being seen in a mirror.
Eleutherophobia: The fear of freedom.
Erotophobia: Fear of sex.
Melophobia: the fear of music.
Hagiophobia: The fear of holy objects.
Harpaxophobia: The fear of being robbed.
Lilapsophobia: The fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
Motorphobia: Fear of cars.
Neophobia: The fear of anything new.