British privates share photos via Facebook of horrible meals they are served in the army. Among poor quality food there are mouldy eggs, rotten apples and raw chicken. Soldiers have already gathered over 10,000 signatures for an online petition to Parliament calling for investigations into the standard of food served to the military.
A rather paltry attempt at a ham sanwich which was served up to some of the military personnel
A maggot in the tinned tomatoes
A piece of bloody chicken
Another of the pictures posted on Facebook shows a mouldy fried egg (pictured) covered in green spots
Sodexo, one of the world's largest catering firms, supply more than 80 Army, Navy and RAF sites in the UK
A baked potato served up to one serving member of the armed forces which was posted to Facebook
Another mouldy egg
"An army marches on its stomach" - Frederick the Great or Napoleon, depending who you believe. Either way, food is as important as bullets or kevlar.